A lot of people portly think they know almost every thing there is to know about chickens but there are some things our birds hide from us. Ill start with our loudest chickens roosters. roosters can crow in 24 hours of darkness at the exact same time every day. from the time their chicks to when they do their first crow roosters memorize when the sun rises all the way to when the sun sets. If they crow in the middle of the day it's because they are scaring off predators.

I bet you want to know something about hens too which brings me to my next point. Did you know that chickens can swim? They can swim for over 20 minutes! The theory for this is their feet. Halve of their feet are webbed witch gives them the ability to swim.
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why do hens perch? One common reason a chicken will perch is because the higher up they are off the ground they are, the better breeze they get. Another reason they might perch is because is a predator is coming they are most likely safer the higher up they are. Those are all of my fun facts about your birds, thank you for reading this article.