In search of the perfect omelet...
Working on construction of the first coop Aug 2009.

Working on construction of the first coop Aug 2009.
We are north of Flint, Michigan and just getting started on this chicken raising thing. I will try to update these pages so others can learn from our mistakes.

Lonna with the newest additions - 3 hens from the 4-H auction- Barred Rock - Rhode island Red and Buff Orpington
At this point with 7 months of fresh eggs I think we must be hooked since we just bought 3 more. For the list of our current chickens see our-current-flock page
Started this Sept 10, 2009 with three 18-20 weeks old pullets. This pic is the first night....we got them out of the cat carriers and into the coop without a good start.
The coop is a chicken tractor using a kids plastic playhouse in a modification on a Mother Earth News plan. Will post pics when we have time- and maybe write up actual plans if anyone is interested.

These are our girls, a Silver Laced Wyandotte, Australorp, and an ISA Brown Me holding Isa.