Currently we have….

Isa - ISA Brown -hatched April 2009- (started our flock Sept 10, 2009 - 18 weeks old)
Marshmallow - Araucana - hatched June 2012-
Brownie - Araucana - hatched June 2012-


Lacy - Silver Laced Wyandotte
Isa - ISA Brown

Goldie - Golden Laced Wyandotte
Fluffy - Buff Araucana


Red - Rhode Island Red
Rocky - Barred Rock


Lonna with the newest additions

Our Chicken timeline:

Sept 10, 2009 we bought three 18-20 weeks old pullets (hatched April 2009)
  • Lacy - Silver Laced Wyandotte (started our flock Sept 10, 2009 - 18 weeks old)
March 8, 2010 egg bound- took to vet for antibiotics, Sept 10, 2011 cull when processing meat birds :-(
  • Isa - ISA Brown (started our flock Sept 10, 2009 - 18 weeks old)
  • Bas - Black Australian Australorp (started our flock Sept 10, 2009 - 18 weeks old)
Sept 10, 2009 - February 21, 2010 egg bound then prolapsed

February 21, 2010 Bas dies, egg bound

March 2, 2010 - we add 2 to our flock- about a year old (hatched February 2009)
  • Goldie - Golden Laced Wyandotte (added to our flock March 2, 2010 - about a year old)
  • Fluffy - Buff Araucana (added to our flock March 2, 2010 - about a year old)

March 27, 2010- buy 3 at 4-H auction, about a year old (hatched March 2009)
  • Buffy - Buff Orpington (bought at 4-H auction March 27, 2010- about a year old)
March 27, 2010-Oct 14, 2010 - internally laying (only found this out doing autopsy)
  • Red - Rhode Island Red (bought at 4-H auction March 27, 2010- about a year old)
  • Rocky - Barred Rock (bought at 4-H auction March 27, 2010- about a year old)

Oct 14, 2010 - Buffy dies, internally laying

Summer 2011 - 1 found dead in run, no cause determined (Red, Rocky, Goldie, Fluffy)

Sept 10, 2011 - Lacy culled, complications from being egg bound

June 1, 2012 - Racoon attack - ______ killed, ISA is only survivor and she survives 2nd attack the next night

June 4, 2012 - buy 2 Araucana chicks at Duck N Coop

  • Marshmallow - Araucana - hatched June 2012-
  • Brownie - Araucana - hatched June 2012-


Bas - Black Australian Australorp -Sept 10, 2009 - February 21, 2010, egg bound then prolapsed


Buffy - Buff Orpington - March 27, 2010-Oct 14, 2010, internally laying

Lacy - Silver Laced Wyandotte -April 2009- Sept 10, 2011, egg bound

Red - Rhode Island Red -March 2009-
Rocky - Barred Rock -March 2009-
Goldie - Golden Laced Wyandotte -February 2009-
Fluffy - Buff Araucana -February 2009-