Brooder 2022

Great design!
Nice brooder, looks pleasing, chicks look happy, lots of photos, great job!
Cool brooder build! Overall good details and photo/video use. Would love additional information/updates on how many chicks you grow-out using this brooder.
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Will do. In 2022 I had 19 chicks in this brooder, they moved on to the coop brooder at 4 and 5 weeks. Will update the article soon with more details.
This is a good article.

I like the changes made to the original brooder plans.
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Very creative and functional. Good information in the article and between that and the video you get a good idea of how to try this on your own. I wish the majority of the photos were larger. Even on a large desktop PC display they're small. Other than that, nice article!
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Sorry about the small pictures, I am working off an iphone😉
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