Hill House & Lupin Farm
RR 4 Stirling-Rawdon Ontario Canada + http://lupinfarm.com
Our working-to-self-sufficient farm in the heart of Ontario countryside
The Hens, Henhouse Renovation, The Ducks, Duck House Build, Photos of our Farm,
The Horses, The Dogs, Farmhouse Renovation, Our Website
Lupin Farm is home to 4 humans [Fran, John, Kevin, and Me, Stephy], 5 dogs [Nacho the stud, Quesa, Kitty, Peaches, and Ginny], 3 cats [Outdoor Kitties: Spots & Smokey, Indoor Kitty: Accio], 20 Chickens [15 RIR X Hens, and 5 Easter Egger Henlettes], 3 Buff Orpington Ducks [Jemimah Puddle Duck, Pickles, and Stripes], and 1 Pony Mare [Luna]. We are situated on 8.6 acres in the most Northern part of Stirling-Rawdon Township, just north of Belleville, Ontario in a beautiful old Ontario Farmhouse that we are currently renovating and restoring all the way from stripping back stick down tiles and refinishing the floors, to recreating trim work, the covered porch, and brickwork on the outside of the home.
We are fencing crazy at Lupin Farm, and just last year finished fencing in our lower paddock to accomodate our pony and have now gone through every and any possible problems with the new fencing going up in the top fields. We are surrounded by corn on almost all sides, and enjoy the sounds of our farmer neighbours cows in the mornings. We garden for vegetables, have a small orchard of fruit trees, a small collection of raspberry and blackberry bushes, which we plan to extend to a very large berry patch in the future. We sell our extra chicken eggs to the community and have met many people over the year we have lived here through our egg sales.
We are constantly working to improve our land, and make the most out of what we have from having a potager garden in the front yard for extra herbs and vegetables, to fencing in for goats for milk, and many other things!
RR 4 Stirling-Rawdon Ontario Canada + http://lupinfarm.com
Our working-to-self-sufficient farm in the heart of Ontario countryside

The Hens, Henhouse Renovation, The Ducks, Duck House Build, Photos of our Farm,
The Horses, The Dogs, Farmhouse Renovation, Our Website
Lupin Farm is home to 4 humans [Fran, John, Kevin, and Me, Stephy], 5 dogs [Nacho the stud, Quesa, Kitty, Peaches, and Ginny], 3 cats [Outdoor Kitties: Spots & Smokey, Indoor Kitty: Accio], 20 Chickens [15 RIR X Hens, and 5 Easter Egger Henlettes], 3 Buff Orpington Ducks [Jemimah Puddle Duck, Pickles, and Stripes], and 1 Pony Mare [Luna]. We are situated on 8.6 acres in the most Northern part of Stirling-Rawdon Township, just north of Belleville, Ontario in a beautiful old Ontario Farmhouse that we are currently renovating and restoring all the way from stripping back stick down tiles and refinishing the floors, to recreating trim work, the covered porch, and brickwork on the outside of the home.
We are fencing crazy at Lupin Farm, and just last year finished fencing in our lower paddock to accomodate our pony and have now gone through every and any possible problems with the new fencing going up in the top fields. We are surrounded by corn on almost all sides, and enjoy the sounds of our farmer neighbours cows in the mornings. We garden for vegetables, have a small orchard of fruit trees, a small collection of raspberry and blackberry bushes, which we plan to extend to a very large berry patch in the future. We sell our extra chicken eggs to the community and have met many people over the year we have lived here through our egg sales.
We are constantly working to improve our land, and make the most out of what we have from having a potager garden in the front yard for extra herbs and vegetables, to fencing in for goats for milk, and many other things!
Thank you to everyone on BYC for all the help and laughs you guys have provided!