Hey everyone! Thanks for the page visit! I am a new chicken owner! Yay! I am very excited and happy with my new found hobby! Chickens!!
I am learning alot and love BYC! Scanning the forums for expert opinions and newbie issues we all seem to have! Thanks so much for all of the input and advice!
Here's the start of my flock....
Peeps... Not sure what he/she is yet!! I adopted him from a local Science Teacher. He hatched on day 29! What a sweety! 8 weeks
Light Brahmas, 7 weeks....Batman & Robin
Buff Orpington (roo?) 7 weeks...Buff (yeah, I know...original, lol)
Ameraucana, 3 weeks...Alex I am learning alot and love BYC! Scanning the forums for expert opinions and newbie issues we all seem to have! Thanks so much for all of the input and advice!
Here's the start of my flock....
Peeps... Not sure what he/she is yet!! I adopted him from a local Science Teacher. He hatched on day 29! What a sweety! 8 weeks
Light Brahmas, 7 weeks....Batman & Robin
Buff Orpington (roo?) 7 weeks...Buff (yeah, I know...original, lol)
Lavender Orpington, 4 days... Laverne (or Larry)
Robin, Peeps, Buff & Batman...checking out their new digs :-D
Thanks for looking!!
Robin, Peeps, Buff & Batman...checking out their new digs :-D
Thanks for looking!!