Zen Benton Chickens
Now in the bator: 10 EE sky blue eggs and 5 EE mixes. Hatch date due Sunday, 4-19-09.
One of the EE mixes with a star is sky blue like the rest, so I'm counting it as an EE.

I do realize that the temperature isn't right in this photo. I had just put the eggs in and the temp was on it's way back up. This photo doesn't do the beautiful blueness of these eggs justice! The EE mixes are the one's with stars. They're a slight greenish/pink. I purchased these eggs locally from fellow BYC'er "De" with the help of another local BYC'er "Rbamterry", who is a personal friend of De. This is my first hatch. Needless to say, I am eggcited!
I started with 18 eggs, and all but three of the eggs were fertile. I suspect those three came from the same hen. Obviously she was not a favorite girl of the roo. Poor thing. Either that or she's a master at escaping from his clutches! Every other egg has been candled at day 13 and contains a wiggly chick.

When the chicks hatch, I plan to keep them here in my sunroom. The glass is double paned and the windows slide open to help to keep ventilation going to hopefully cut down on the dust and the smell of poo. And if one should escape the brooder box, it's not going anywhere! I expect I'll eventually come home one day from work to find all my little chickens running amuck in the sunroom.
I can hardly wait!!!
Here come the chickies! On the evening of Day 19 I got my first pip. I went to bed and got up at 4:30 a.m., peeked into the bator and saw THIS!

Soon after, the egg right next to it popped it's top off and I had two chickies! #3 and #4 are zipping now.
More to come!
Here are some pictures of my big girls. Maybe one boy. The white one just might be a roo. The BO's are all laying except for one not pictured who's brooding. I really should get her some fertile eggs to hatch. I'm too "chicken" to take any out of the bator for her though. I'm not set up for her to brood babies in a separate pen yet.
It could happen little mama, daddy's going to build a new coop for the babies!

Baby pics to come hopefully soon!!!