The rubbermaid tub was looking a little small for our little gang, which was all the excuse I needed to disappear to the garage for a while to cook up something new. I put together a 4' by 2' wooden space, raised off the ground and made pullout bedding trays and screened lids. I have just amateur carpentry skills, but I am pleased with how it turned out.Here are a few pics:

Framework all together.

Plywood sides are on and stapling on the chicken wire all the way around.

Made some wire screened lids with handles for easy access.

Took all day, but that night before bed it was all finished, pull out drawers and all.

Fully completed ready to go in our mud room at the back of the house.

Our little Jersey Giant checking out the new digs.

They like being able to see over the sides at the world around them.

Here was their old home in the rubbermaid tub.
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