We're almost to our one year mark of having our chickens in our lives and I have to say it's been a lot of fun.
We have 4, but one is very shy and for some reason, runs when I have the camera. ? But the other 3 are actually hard to photograph because every time I get down to chicken level they come running! The camera can only refocus so fast!
Blue is a RIR and Harriet is a beautiful big Buff Orpington and we raised them from chicks. When the chicks were about 4 months old we got Nelly, a Barred Rock and also 4 months old at that time, and Phyllis, a Serama (she is the one who hides), who was about 9 months old at that time.
Here are some photos I just took - it's a rare sunny day in Washington and I just had to take advantage of the day!

I got a picuture of Phyllis yesterday - here she is in all her glory!