Blooie's Rockin' Deviled Eggs

  • Author Blooie
  • Publish date
  • Updated
  • Article read time 2 min read

*Buncha fresh eggs (on accounta you're gonna mess up a couple - or many)
*Water to cover (A large pot is handy for this. Otherwise the water just runs off the eggs)
*Mayo or Miracle Whip - I prefer Miracle Whip - I need all the help I can get!
*Yellow or Dijon mustard
*Salt, to taste
*Pepper, to taste
*Paprika Lots and lots of paprika

Prepping Instructions:

*Either poke a small hole in the fat end of each egg..... OR
*Make a small crack in each egg (this process usually results in an unexpected platter of scrambled eggs later)..... OR
*Put a large quantity of salt in the pot of water..... OR
*Put vinegar in the pot of water..... OR
*Do what I did, hedge your bets, and try all of the above for the "perfect" hard cooked egg.

Cooking Instructions:

*Gently place eggs in water & bring to a boil. (Be careful, some already have holes or cracks in them)
*Turn off heat and let eggs sit in the water, covered, for 5 (OR 10 OR 20) minutes.

*After the timer goes off (or whenever you remember they're still sitting there) put the eggs in a large bowl of ice water until cool..... OR
*Put eggs in cold water until cold..... OR
*Put in the fridge overnight and have nachos while you wait for tomorrow..... OR
*Peel eggs under running water
No matter which method you prefer, eventually you will have to peel them...... OR

*Cut eggs in half and scoop out with a spoon. Gently remove the yolks and put them into a small bowl, and put the white parts on a decorative platter. Um, very decorative. You definitely will want decorative.

NOTE: One or two of them might leak when filled. Just overfill them and don't sweat it.

*Mix yolks with Mayo or Miracle Whip) a little mustard - amounts of each will depend on how many salvageable eggs you ended up with.
Add salt and pepper to taste. Stir mixture well until smooth and creamy.

*Look over egg halves for shell bits and remove any you find.
*Fill the little hole in the egg white with yolk mixture. Check for and remove more shell bits.
*Sprinkle with paprika If your eggs look like mine do at this point, roll the whole bloomin' deviled egg in paprika to hide gaps, rips and tears in the egg whites and cover any missed egg shells.

Recipe Pictures:

About author
I have kinda become known as a "natural chicken keeper", applying common sense to raising chickens.

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Can never get enough deviled eggs!
Love deviled eggs. :drool
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Blooie is my kind of cook! Hugs, hugs and hugs!

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I saw this in the original thread. I just can't say enough about the excellent job, and the presentation is outstanding!!!
Best ingredient to add in life, too, cavemanrich! I just figured if I was always gonna end up with ugly deviled eggs, might as well celebrate the ugly!

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2 min read
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