How To Overwinter Chickens Naturally

As it nears winter, the new chicken keepers start to panic. "How will my chickens survive the cold?" "Do I need a heat lamp?" "Are there any cracks in my coop?"

Don't worry, there are lots of tricks to help your chickens stay warm in the winter. Here is my way of overwintering chickens; natural, simple, and cheap (or should I say "cheep"?).

Good Ventilation
You might think that cold air coming in through the cracks in your coop will make your chickens freeze, but really, no cracks is the worst thing you can do.

If there are no cracks, the moisture from the chickens' droppings can not escape outside. This will make the coop humid and the chickens will get damp. If the chickens get wet, they will get frostbite and possibly freeze to death.

Bad ventilation also makes the air stale and dusty, which isn't very nice to breath Make sure to give your coop more ventilation than you think it needs.

For more information, please read: Chicken Coop Ventilation - Go Out There And Cut More Holes In Your Coop!

Why I Don't Use Heat lamps
1. Heat lamps are fire hazards. After reading this section, if you still want to use a heat lamp please just make sure it is very secure.

2. Chickens need a break from egg laying every once in a while. If you force them to lay year-round by lighting the coop with a lamp, it will shorten your chickens' lives and make them unhappy. Chickens aren't meant to lay year-round.

3. If the power were to suddenly go out in the middle of winter, the chickens--who are used to the extra heat--would freeze to death.

4. They don't need it. Fully-feathered chickens can survive if you let them ease naturally into winter like the wild birds. They will grow more down (feathers) to keep them warm.

5. If you're okay with a lower egg production, and know your chickens won't freeze, then what use is the heat lamp? They use electricity, which can get expensive.

The Deep Litter Method
I use the Deep Litter Method (DLM) in the winter. This is a simple way to keep your coop warmer by natural methods.

How to do it:

  • Don't clean the droppings and old bedding out of your coop
  • Add new bedding about once a month (once again, don't take out the old stuff)
  • Stir the bedding every few days. This mixes the bedding and droppings, and lets them compost. The compost will give out heat and warm your coop
  • I have heard that the DLM is not very smelly. But because I have a terrible sense of smell I can't confirm this.
  • *Makes coop maintenance in the winter much easier; who likes cleaning out all the muck during a snow flurry?*
I only use the DLM on the floor of the coop; I clean the nesting boxes about every month. And I only use the DLM in the winter. I clean my coop regularly in the warm months.

Mountain forest after a snowstorm

Fresh, Unfrozen Water
Water is important to all living things. A chicken's body is 65-70 percent water and the egg is at least 80 percent water. The amount of water a chicken needs to drink per day depends on the weather, the age of the chicken, whether the chicken is laying or not, and the chicken in general. They should always be provided with fresh water, and in the winter is should always be unfrozen.

In the old days, chickens used to drink from either a nearby creek or ditch, or from the horses and cows' troughs. Because troughs are so big they didn't freeze most days, and when they did the farmer would crack the ice a couple times a day. Or they would eat clean snow off the ground.

For most people ditches and troughs are not an option, me included. In warmer climates a rubber bucket can keep most ice off the water, but it is not so effective in colder areas. I have also heard that ducks will splash enough to keep ice from forming on the water. And if your area is like mine and gets cold but not very snowy, it is not smart to use snow as your chickens' only waters source.

To be honest, my previous way of keeping water from freezing was not natural. I used an electric bird bath heater. But this year I am testing out a new method. It involves burying a water bucket in manure or chicken droppings. That's it, so simple. You can find the method here: Alternate method to prevent water freezing.

I have heard of similar methods used for winter gardening so am very confident that this method will work.

Cold-hardy Breeds
If you are still worried about your chickens, or live in an especially cold area, you could try getting cold-hardy breeds of chickens. Some cold-hardy breeds are:
  • Orpingtons
  • Brahmas
  • Wyandottes
  • Australorps
  • Buckeyes
  • Cochins
  • Dominiques
  • Faverolles
  • Chanteclers
  • Sussex
Bantam Orpington

Extra Notes
  • Some people may be wondering if they should insulate their coops. I don't have any experience with this, so I'm going to direct you to this article: To Insulate or Not to Insulate...
  • More chickens means more body heat. I always make sure my chickens are sleeping in one or sometimes two coops, depending on how many chickens have at the time.
  • In cold and damp climates, I recommend using flat two-by-fours as perches. This helps prevent your chickens' toes from getting frostbite because they can cover their feet with their fluff easier.
  • Also in cold and damp climates, you can get breeds that have smaller combs so their combs are less likely get frostbite.
  • For future reading, I recommend: Kuntry Klucker's Hacks for Surviving Old Man Winter., Chickens & Winter Egg Laying and Lighting, and Winter Chicken Keeping.


If you follow these tips, your chickens will be healthy and happy all winter!
About author
The Creative Homesteaders raise and love on chickens, rabbits, cats, and a dog! We love nature and are always- becoming more self sufficient. We breed and conserve endangered heritage breeds!

About myself personally... I've been raising chickens for 10 years and have participated in 4-H since 2017. I love using my chicken knowledge to help other people!

If you have any questions or feedback about my article, please comment below or send me a PM. Don't forget to rate and review!

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Helpful article for new chicken owners with winter approaching!
Very informative and interesting :thumbsup
Thank you :)
A positive look at things to do to help winterize your chickens. Also has links to other, in depth info if your interested in a particular part of the article.
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I'm new to raising chickens and this will be my first winter in Wisconsin. I ordered a utility shed for my hen house, but I'm wondering if I should insulate the walls. Any feedback and experience would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to BYC, 3HuBaNkS!

I don't insulate, but Wisconsin is colder than my area. If you have cold-hardy breeds, I think they should be fine, but you can read this article for more info: To Insulate or Not to Insulate...

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! Good luck!
It's been 40 years since I have had chickens. I live in southern Iowa and our weather goes from icy to bitter cold. This may sound stupid but what are the protocols for letting them be outside if at all?
Not bad question at all!
I offer mine free-ranging as a choice. They only have to come out of the coop if they want. You can offer a feeder and waterer inside of the coop, and then they will go outside at their own desire. Does that help?
I have my feed and waterer in the run (none in the coop). At what temperature would you consider moving either of those inside?
At whatever temperature you think would work best. But if you would like a more detailed idea, I take mine in when it is forecasted to stay below freezing throughout the whole day. Or I just being them in at the beginning of winter and leave them there.
I live in Oklahoma and we got snow this week. This is my first winter with my chickens so I have been looking for ways to help them through the winter. I am using the deep litter method thru the winter in their coop, I have spread straw around their yard over the snow for them to walk on and have a heated dog bowl for their water. They are doing great. I have Orpingtons and Austrolorps which are cold hardy breeds so that is a plus.
I live in Oklahoma and we got snow this week. This is my first winter with my chickens so I have been looking for ways to help them through the winter. I am using the deep litter method thru the winter in their coop, I have spread straw around their yard over the snow for them to walk on and have a heated dog bowl for their water. They are doing great. I have Orpingtons and Austrolorps which are cold hardy breeds so that is a plus.
Good luck with winter! Glad you enjoyed this article!
How on earth does having a white light shine in the coop in the winter months for a few hours in the morning make them unhappy? Show me the science.
I never claimed the light would make them unhappy, just the consequences. I don't use lights for their own good, like not letting a child have too much candy. As mentioned in the article, chickens need a break at some point. Chickens are not egg-machines, they are living creatures who can use a couple months of easy work per year. By stressing them and forcing them to continue laying, it will shorten their lives. And as we all know, stress is not a happy circumstance to live under.

I understand that others have different opinions, and that is okay, so you do what you feel is best.

Whether you choose to use a light or not, good luck and have a great day! :hugs
I have 3 Silver Wyandottes in Sacramento. Last winter I obsessed over ventilation. bedding, etc. This very hot summer the chickens started roosting on top of the coop. Now they won't go in to sleep at all, They are molting, barely covered with feathers, and look cold and miserable to me, but they seem perfectly happy on top of the coop. Chickens!
I’m not saying this is right or wrong, I Mount this underneath of my coop and locate the water dish over top of the heat lamp inside
the coop. So the chickens don’t get direct light only the radiant heat from the bulb. I have found a 250 W bulb are too much so I use a 100 W.

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