Crossroads Ranch Chicken Coop & Run Design

Wish this had included some information on how it was built (and some step-by-step photos). Other reviewers have mentioned another article for this coop...maybe I'll find that detail in the other article.
This is a duplicate article. This coop shows up elsewhere in another posted article.
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This coop and run has some really great details - like the corrugated metal baseboards and the hardware cloth floor - but some how-to text (or maybe some in-between step photos, if you have them) would be extremely helpful ... as in, Is the flooring attached under the baseboard? If so, how?
The stepped board leading up to the first roost level is a great idea for the "littles" or non-flight birds (like Silkies.) This is really a great use of reclaimed materials. Some how-tos and why-fors would bump his article way up in ratings!
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