Double Yolk Eggs: All You Need To Know

Very informative. I didn’t know that ovarian tumors may be associated with older hens that lay double yokers. I recently had a hen lay a 101 g egg that I was sure would be a double but just a single (very large) yoke.
Brilliantly written article! Educational and easy to follow.
I had an EE that constantly laid double yokes. It was cool at first but then I realized her egg supply was going to go very quickly. She only laid maybe 1 year but lived to be about 6. So she was pretty much your average teenager; useful when they want to be but most often just there to eat and sleep 😀
Raised in NC near farmland, but not on a farm, I lived to 70yrs w/o seeing or hearing of double yolked eggs. Then 3 yrs ago, I cracked my first one. Then couple years later, two more few months apart. Then last Nov ('22) entire carton was doubled. Early this April, another carton all doubled. The first carton was Twilight Zone enough. But the second 5 months later... Actually I began to take it very spiritually. Some sign of doubling in my life, like Job.... received double after his trials and faith. I'm considerably eager to see how this manifests. As though God is saying... "Stand back! Abundance is coming!" Great article. Best I found searching this topic.
Very interested information! I had no idea heavier breeds were more prone to laying double yolks.
Good article. I had a hen who layed double yokes 80% of the time.
Yaw'll wont believe this; but guess what? A loooong time ago I was baking and cracked an egg that was a double yoke. Tickled I thought "Hmm, I wonder of there are more?" So, I cracked another from same box. Whatdoyaknow . . . another double yoke. Curious, I cracked yet anither . . same box . . = another double yoke. By then I was in a yoke frenzy and kept cracking eggs all double yokes. 😳 I wound up with a bowl of double yokes that at the time I had no idea what to do with. Probably only needed two for the recipe. 🤣
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Wow this is a great article! I had a Buff Orpington who would lay the occasional double Yolker. I even found a triple yolk once in my Rhode Islands egg! I love how this explains how they form and their rarity. Thank you!
Fantastic information! Sheds light on a rare phenomenon.
This is a great article, and very informative. Our RIRs, Barred Rocks, Speckled Sussex, and even Easter Eggers have all laid double yolked eggs, especially when just starting up. The RIRs still leave one occasionally, and it’s always a surprise!
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Excellent article! When my chickens first started laying, I got a double yoke egg about once a week for three weeks approximately. I love how you mentioned basically everything you could ever ask in your article! This should be in the featured article section for sure. Great job!
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