Hi people, We are a small family run farm out in Polk City, Florida. We have 3 2 legged children, and several 2 legged feathered, 4 legged furry, living with us as well.
We raise Silkies, Showgirls, Ameracana, EEs, Crested Ducks (colored), Muscovies. We do have hatchable eggs from time to time.
My hubby is hooked on the local chicken swaps by us. We get to meet new people, say hi to old friends, and learn something new all at the same time.

We have a little of everything out here on our land.We have some horses, a donkey, llamas, turkeys, geese, dogs, & a few barn cats hang around. We plan on getting some more cattle, goats, pigs, sheep and our farm should be complete :)

One of our goals for the New Year is to sustain our family on our home grown food. So yes we have a freezer full of beef, come fall we will be adding pork and possible chicken to the freezer. We want to start a nice garden as well to have some veggies.