How to incubate Coturnix quail eggs

Very informative! Thanks for taking the time on it!
Nice read but as said I wouldn’t recommend float testing eggs.
There are some spelling and grammar errors that need to be fixed, as well as some misinformation.

For example, candling an egg at day seven and seeing that it's not developing does not mean the egg was infertile. Lots of things can happen to make an egg not develop, especially if they are shipped. To tell if eggs are fertile, the only way is to crack them open BEFORE incubating and look for a bullseye on the yolk. Obviously this can't be done to an egg you plan to incubate, so this is just to check if your birds are producing fertilized eggs before you set a batch.

I would also never float test. Candling can tell you just fine if an egg is alive or not, and if you really can't tell, you should just leave it in the incubator a few more days. Float testing runs the risk of drowning a hatching chick if you miss a small pip.
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I would not recommend float testing your incubated quail eggs. Candling is sufficient and more accurate.
Please don't ever put an egg you are planning on incubating into water.
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Well written, but it contains a bit of poor or false information.
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Gigachad poultry
Gigachad poultry
what was false i want to know so i can edit it.
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