How To Tame Chickens from the Start

Unfortunately this article is based on brooder reared chicks. Most mother hens will not appreciate you trying to befriend their chicks in this manner.
Regarding friendliness, there are many other breeds that are human friendly, possibly most notable are game fowl which have an excellent reputation for human tolerance.
Thank you for the information on training new chicks! My older hens are fairly tame and definitely trained, but I got them when they were 9-18 months old. When they hear the back door open, they come running to the gate to greet me and get their much anticipated snacks. They quickly show their disappointment when they realize it's my hubby instead of me coming outside. :lol:
My three week olds are still pretty skiddish in their brooder, but will come to my hand full of dried meal worms! Hoping they get used to me fairly quickly!
baby chicks3.jpg
We are about a week away from getting new chicks. Thanks so much for your insight. This will definitely help. We were scared of hurting the chicks by picking them up too much the first time, but this time will be different.
Thanks for the info, enjoyed reading it
Its a through read, even for those who've grown up around/handling chickens. Everyone can learn a thing (or 2 or 3!!) from this article :)
I'd consider myself a veteran, even after only 3 years. But there were a few tips in here--like taking them out of the brooder to let them wander even at a young age and come back to your lap--that I hadn't heard. We're going to try this today. Thank you!
Wow, great tips and details. Really did help me!
Love how you bonded with your cutie pies!
I recently started back up with chickens. I got 16 chicks from various breeds, but chose 8 blue Australorps because they are so docile and inquisitive.

From day one I would talk to them and put my hands on the brooder, moved very slow and talked very quietly, just like this article suggests. Lots of petting as the days went by, and just sitting with my hands in the brooder to let them get familiar with fingers and how hands move. It really works!

Now, at 7 weeks, all i have to do is shake a spice bottle full of meal worms and they come running. They climb all over me and love to cuddle!

Tame chickens are the best and this article is a HUGE help!!
A little too late for me to do it completely right, but really helpful.
Thank you, this was very helpful. I have new chicks coming soon, I can’t wait for the cuddle fest :)
I can't wait to have a chick grow up to love me this way! I've gotten both my chickens as hens and they think I'm a monster!
I like how you explain the different stages of development. I’ve spent many hours on the ground letting my chicks poop on me , and getting to know me . It really pays off . I’m convinced that once they’re grown they know you are a friend, some are even too friendly
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