How To Tame Chickens from the Start

I really enjoyed this article. It's super helpful and the photos are adorable!
I enjoyed reading this so much! Those early methods can really make a difference in a chickens adult behavior.
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Great way of explaining the process! I sure do love my tame chickens! Flighty chickens are not fun to work with and you can never associate yourself with them. Read this well put together thread, and I bet you will see a difference in the tameness of your birds!
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I learned a lot!
Gentle, nature and soft gestures, along with a special call they can associate with you for later on when you want to draw them in from danger. This is a good article.
We spend a lot of time just sitting nearby, talking, holding, and singing at night to the birds when they are on the roost. The Buffs and the Easter Egger love sitting in our laps.
Great article! We were gifted our three orpies when they were 4 months old. I’ve been doing what I can to get them to trust us, they surely recognize me for the treats I bring😉 Two of the three will allow us petting and holding but the leader is a tough chick. Hope to wear her down this summer! Thanks for this informative article!
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Reactions: The Tiny Homestead
Excellent article.
I really enjoyed reading this! This article is great for both beginner and experienced chicken owners who want tame chicks! Well done!
It's really straight forward and simple enough, I think. And I foresee the info being a big help!
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Raising chicks from day old is so much fun. Everyone should have a chance to experience the joy of being an adopted parent.
very helpful!
I love all the different ways people have of dealing with 'friendly' chickens. I handled the chicks quite a bit when babies and now, when they go into roost at night (I only have six), I pet each one several times and tell them how good they are. But beware, they are now so tame I have to watch where I walk as they are underfoot and when weeding in the garden, I have to keep pushing them out of they way as they help me! Be careful of what you wish for!
Great article! We are a day away from getting a new batch of hatchling for our brooder and she is a Wyandotte that is super friendly. Getting Barred Rocks as I love how affectionate they are and keep us entertained. Just a shake of the worm bag and they come running. There favorite spot to sit in the evening is next to me or on my lap!
This works well for chicks raised in a brooder. I would hesitate to take chicks far away from the mother hen whether real mother or broody. For me I follow a lot of these techniques but I do it within the run. I have a low stool right outside my brooder coop so everything is done with Mama right there. It helps if your older hens are used to being held and cuddled. The young chicks always seem fascinated to see Mom being held!
Love the suggestions however - I have an 11 month old & a 2 yr old so getting them out and about around the house isn’t really an option for me but we do take them outside every day for some outdoor fun in their coop area and on the grass! I’ve got RIReds and they can be skittish but I’m hoping continuous love and petting will help.
Love the article and so true.
I also think ISA Browns should be in the list of friendly and good to learn chicken. See video below from a 13 year old child who has his flock trained with whistling.
Hilarious and amazing!
Thnx for the article!
13 year old boy trains his Isa brown with whistling
Super helpful detailed suggestions, thank you!
Wonderful Tips and really does work!!!!:thumbsup
I love the informative text on how we should teach our chickens to be friendly and not be afraid of us. It will really help me with my chicks. Thanks so much for the great article.
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