My Girls.... growing up fast!
Not really sure how this all work, just got my first chicks on March 29, 2011, we got 4 EE's. The girls started in a small brooder (fish tank) but quickly grew out of that so we modified a dog crate for them and they've been living there while the hub builds their permenant home. That has been slow moving due to tons of rain (and even some snow in April), only being able to work on it weekends and my husband making it the best possible coop. I think we'll be ready to move them into the new home by next weekend...YEAH!!!
So let me share a few pictures.....
FIRST EGGS!!!! 7/25/11
Not really sure how this all work, just got my first chicks on March 29, 2011, we got 4 EE's. The girls started in a small brooder (fish tank) but quickly grew out of that so we modified a dog crate for them and they've been living there while the hub builds their permenant home. That has been slow moving due to tons of rain (and even some snow in April), only being able to work on it weekends and my husband making it the best possible coop. I think we'll be ready to move them into the new home by next weekend...YEAH!!!
So let me share a few pictures.....
First Picture: (Left to right) Samantha, Natasha, Morticia, Lily .... this pic is from the day we got the girls!
Second Picture: (Left to right) Bruno (our dog), Lily, Natasha, Samantha, Morticia.... girls (we hope) are just over 3 months old now!!!
Here is the girls future home.... we actually moved it to it's permenant spot yesterday, just a few more touches and it'll be ready for them to move in! This is the same coop you a see on the cover of 'Chicken Coops for Dummies', we used that plan cause I liked the look of the coop...but my husband hated it, he said they got sloppy with the measurements towards the end of the project, mostly on doors, etc and left alot out...he said the plans were written by dummies, but he's a picky guy and pretty handy so all turned out well!
Update: The coop is all done and the girls have moved in. We just finished installing a flagstone path/patio around the's a picture! (The girls are lovin' their new place!)
One of our girls layed her first egg today and it's small but beautiful!!!! I think it was either Morticia or Natasha that layed the egg as they've both been doing the chicken squat thing for the past few days (Ever since I took advantage of the buy one dozen eggs get another dozen free sale!) ....I'm so excited, can't wait for more eggs!
ABOUT METhis is our first go with raising chickens, so far it's been loads of fun!!! But I must have had a subliminal need to be around chickins for a while..see my hobby is making pottery and I tend to make a lot of what I call "Peep" pitchers...I've made them for myself and as gifts. Here's a picture of my most recent ones: