Killer in the Shadows. How My Flock and I Learned to Deal With Marek's Disease

I have mareks in my flock. I have lost 6 silkies to it always at point of lay and another one is showing signs. My oldest bantam silkie I've had 2 years has somehow survived the disease. I also have buff orphingtons who have been exposed however I haven't lost a single buff to the disease and I've had them 3 years. I've read that orphingtons are also susceptible to the disease however in my flock they haven't. I've also just hatched orphington chicks in my house and hoping they will be the same as my other oriphingtons.
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I'm so sorry to hear that you are dealing with this horrible disease. Yes, Silkies are highly susceptible to Mareks. Unfortunately. I would love to have a few but knowing the odds are stacked against them, resist bringing any into my flock.

Your Orpingtons must come from resistant stock as they too are also highly susceptible. I sincerely hope that your chick hatching goes well and second generation is also resistant. Time will tell.

Marek's is a horrible, horrible disease. I recently lost a young rooster to suspicious circumstances that makes wonder if MD is rearing it's ugly head again just to remind me that it is still around.
This article is such a well-written, honest, and informative resource about something we all fear. Most of all, it leaves the reader with hope and not in a state of doom and gloom. Thank you!
Thank you Rebel. I did the article hoping that I could show people dealing with Marek's disease in their flock that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you, Becky, for sharing your story and the wisdom you gained. I do not have Marek's here that I'm aware of, but know those who do and wanted to learn more about it. I may face it someday and now will be a little bit more educated about it, but regardless, I wanted to know more to be able to be understanding with those I know who do have it. Thank you!
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You are a great friend to want to do that. Sincerely hope that you don't ever fight Marek's. Thank you for your kind words and Happy New Year!
Informative and nicely written, very personable, and honest. What I really enjoyed was that you offer practical reasons for hope and a measure of optimism, where many would find only doom and gloom. Thank you!
Thank you so much! Getting ready to incubate 12 eggs from my vaccinated bantams. This will be their third and in some cases 4th generation. Also I have two wonderful Egyptian Fayoumi and Amish Barnyard cross roosters. There is hope after Marek's folks!
Thank you for your very helpful article. I, too am 67 and have had chickens for 3 years now. This month a necropsy proved I have Mareks in my flock. The vet advised I cull them all. I only have 5 and simply cannot do it since they show no signs - yet. Your words have given me hope. If in my journey I find anything that helps I will share it. Thanks again!
Hang in there, Chick. Those survivors are worth their weight in layer pellets as they may prove to be your resistant birds. Sorry for not replying sooner. Sometimes I don't get notifications like I should.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom! I was wondering, what are some supportive measures to take to help a chicken sick with Marek's? Supplements, herbs, tips for keeping them comfortable?

Very interesting as well about the herpes visible in the eye. Have you found this to be helpful in finding treatments that could help?
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This is a very educational article and I appreciate the personal storytelling approach you took. Thankyou for writing it up.
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Thank you, MaryJanet. If I can help one person deal with Marek's disease it was well worth the effort.
A sad story well told.
Thank you Shadrach but it has so far a happy ending!
Your strength through this journey is amazing
Thank you Granny. I didn't feel strong all the time, unfortunately but I do now!
Amazing, truly helpful story.
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Thank you!
Nice article about your journey with mareks!
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Thank you, Ron
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience.
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Thank you. Let me know how things go for you. You aren't alone in this fight.
Wow. That was a roller coaster. I am so sorry about the loss of your birds. Very great article though.
Many thanks. And it's a never ending roller coaster ride when dealing with Marek's disease. You just hang on and hope for the best.
Most excellent article - I would not expect anything less from you.
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HA! You know me too well, DD. LOL. Thanks my friend.
Very well done Becky. Informative and well written.
Thanks Bruce. Keep up the good work with those Tiepos, LOL!
Very Well Done! Congratulations.
Thank you C. Means a lot to me.
Excellent ! Thanks for sharing your story.
It's been a rough story to tell but if it helps someone else, it's well worth the hassle. Thank you, Sour.
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