My farm is located in Eubank KY. Just north of Somerset. My animals are just something to keep me busier. I have had horses all of my life. My grandfather always had chickens. I started getting my chickens in early 2008. I first wanted chickens just for the eggs. Then I bought my first cochin at the Sano goat auction. I just loved the looks of him. I now have 3 different colors, black, partidge, and splash. My neighbor and I are partners. We are incubating Polish, Silkies, Brahmas, Barred Rock, White Leghorn and a couple of others. I have a 4 goats, a holland lop bunny, 2 horses, a mini donkey, and lots of chickies
I have 2 daughters the ages of 23 months and 11 years old. My 11 year old helps alot on the days that I work. My baby loves the animals. She is not scared of them at all.