Naming Your Chickens--When Your Chicks Arrive

These are great ways to name your chicks/chickens! We went a different route. When we got our first 6 hens (3 different breeds), I named them using our first name initials and our last (D,B & R). So my Rhode Island Reds are Babz & Bettie, my Dominiques are Daizy & Dixie, and our Buff Orpingtons are Rosie & Reba.

With our new chicks, I used a letter from the breed name (and hopefully we really ended up with pullets like we ordered). My Wyandottes are Wilhemina, Winnifred, and Wynona, the Golden Campines are Calliope and Clementine, and the Light Brown Leghorns are Lolly and Lovey. That way if I add to those 6 breeds that we have now, I can just add more names with those starting letters in the future. Since the babies still all look too much alike, I may need to mark them when I actually put a name to a chick. Can't wait to watch them grow into their own little personalities!

Again, great article with good ideas.
Very well-written and helpful article. Made me think about the names I chose for my girls. Thanks!
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