I've been looking for some bantam chickens latly. So I sold my turkey pair for 30$ and a 'bantam hen'. The second I got this new hen I knew what she was a serama hen, she's the size of a pop can and mostly black, and wilder than heck. But I plan to change that. Anywho the next day: 12/01/11 I went to farm and purchased, well traded, two of my hens for 1 rooster and 2 hens of the phoenix breed of chicken. I had this all planned out: I took a roo and a hen of the trio and traded them to my friend Andrew for a sebright pair, a silver rooster and a golden hen. I kept the other phoenix hen as she came from the same flock as my already owned phoenix pair, they still know eachother. So far I love them even though Bottlecap the serama is wild and the sebrights are fairly tame to walk around but not to eat from hands.