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Our columbians were originally bred by Tom Roebuck of Unionville, VA. Check out his stock on Cochinsrule.com -very nice birds!!

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My rosecombs a bloodline I can trace back to birds my late Grandfather loved, raised, and showed way way back in the day. He's been gone twenty years and hadn't shown in at least 5 years when he died. I found a son of a friend of his back in my Dad's hometown that has had this particular strain for thirty years! WOW, I love the internet... and my rosecombs. They are so graceful and charismatic.

100_2801.jpg Here's a cockerel Im keeping from 08 hatch
updated pic of my roo
100_3697.jpg and his son below as well as the breeders for 2010.
I'm hatching wheaten/blue wheaten rosecombs now and am very excited with this new variety. The eggs came from Robin Gossman in Arizona and I will post pics soon.
And here are my milles. My birds came all the way from California as hatching eggs. Lynne, aka wwmicasa1 has been an absolute pleasure to chat with and has done a tremendous job with her project ...starting with buff columbians from Tom Roebuck and a mille cochin roo.
Here are my F2's
10091_100_4078-1.jpg and my F3's with thier adopted mother.
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Some of this years breeders
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