Redtailranchs Chicken Coop

A nice transformation from an old horse stall to a coop. More details like measurements would be helpful to one interested in copying this design.
You did a real nice job on converting the horse area into a chicken coop! At first I thought the picture with the shavings on the floor was a picture of carpet on the floor!!:lau

I would like to know how you finished out the inside. How many roosts are there, did you hang the food source or do something else? What, if anything, would you do differently if you were to build it again (aside from moving it back a bit so that the front was under the horse area roof)?

About how much did you spend? How many chickens do you keep in there? How many nest boxes?
Could you give us a supplies list that you used in the build?

Anyway, your coop looks good enough to live in! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Can we see the finished inside details please?
This is a great idea for using a lean to base. The coop page also contains quite a bit of information about how it was built!
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