Rise & Shine Pallet Coop for Flora Vale Fowl

Bravo! Excellent salvaging and re-purposing and it's groovy! My absolute favorite kind of coops are well thought out, yet not massively funded at home depot! It sounds like you made the whole process fun, instead of a headache and I learned a lot from the article, appreciate you taking the time to share your logic. I think I'm most proud of the low cost that went into my own coop and it just continues to evolve as I acquire interesting scraps. I stare at everything otherwise deemed garbage and ask myself "ORrrrrrr chicken coop?" Glad to see I'm not alone! Hope you're selling pretty piles of eggs and still enjoying the chicken journey. Cheers!!
Nice coop build!
Now that may be the longest coop article yet! Very informative! Seems like a fun place to live! Lucky kiddo and flock!
Incredibly detailed and informative article. The humor was subtle and perfect! Did you ever do the green roof? Did the new rooster work out? I love your common sense use of recycled materials balanced with new materials. My husband and I are working on our new homestead and we are making decisions like this as well: What we can make or reuse and what needs to be store bought. I feel like doing it this way adds to the creativity. Well done!
Like the reusing of materials. And using the sisal was a great idea!
LOVED your story and photos of the building of your coop and run. Fantastic job and very smart to use recycled materials for free for a lot of the building of it. It is a very pretty coop. Love the door!
Wow! What a story! Glad you shared the dos and don'ts of what was learned from this new build of your chicken coop and run. Thanks for sharing all the details and pictures.
This is s by far my favorite coop and article. Love love love it! So well written I understood everything (well, almost everything) and could appreciate all the thought and artistry that went into this magnificent structure. In my eyes, you win.:celebrate:woot:jumpy:yesss:
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