[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]We're expecting our new chicks next week. We're getting 5 chicks to start with. We live in the city limits so I don't what too many chickens. I'm sure my neighbors aren't going to be thrilled but when they get some eggs from us they will surly change their mind.[/FONT]
More when I pick them up.
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]My Dog Minnie![/FONT]
[FONT=comic sans ms,sand]They're here!! All healthy and growing by the day. I received them a week early because of hatchery times were a little early. I not only received my 5 chicks but they sent me a bonus. 1 silkies and 1 extra Road Island Red. They are beautiful!
Here are some photos of them.[/FONT]
Week 1 Where are we? I'm a little scared!
Week 2 Out side for the first time. Ya!
[URL='https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/34721_image044.jpg'] [/URL]
Week 3 And they are finally out in their new coop and run.
Week 4-5 Love watching them grow.
Week 7 and getting bigger. [FONT=comic sans ms,sand]I'm just a mixed up Chick![/FONT]
Week 11 and still growing!
My Dad, thinks I'm pretty. I think he's right! No! He thinks I'm the pretty one. And he's right!
Ah! Your both wrong! I'm the prettiest of all.
And these are our new chicks added April 22, 2010. On the left are two Polish pullets and on the right are two Barred Plymouth Rocks
This is our first day out. We love our first dust bath. What a sweet Daddy we have!
More when I pick them up.
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]My Dog Minnie![/FONT]
[FONT=comic sans ms,sand]They're here!! All healthy and growing by the day. I received them a week early because of hatchery times were a little early. I not only received my 5 chicks but they sent me a bonus. 1 silkies and 1 extra Road Island Red. They are beautiful!
Here are some photos of them.[/FONT]
Week 1 Where are we? I'm a little scared!
Week 2 Out side for the first time. Ya!
[URL='https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/uploads/34721_image044.jpg'] [/URL]
Week 3 And they are finally out in their new coop and run.
Week 4-5 Love watching them grow.
Week 7 and getting bigger. [FONT=comic sans ms,sand]I'm just a mixed up Chick![/FONT]
Week 11 and still growing!
My Dad, thinks I'm pretty. I think he's right! No! He thinks I'm the pretty one. And he's right!
Ah! Your both wrong! I'm the prettiest of all.
And these are our new chicks added April 22, 2010. On the left are two Polish pullets and on the right are two Barred Plymouth Rocks
This is our first day out. We love our first dust bath. What a sweet Daddy we have!