Save A Chick
Baby chicks can be a wonderful part of any family. Unfortunately every year thousands of the chicks don't receive the care they need. For this reason our forum community has come together to create the "Save A Chick Campaign".

We need your help!
Below are a few brochures and postcards designed by our forum members. Print these and hand them out to new chick owners or give them to your local feed stores to pass out to their customers.
Click the image below to download the main pamphlet file in PDF format. It is two pages designed to be printed front to back and folded in thirds (tri-fold).

The official "Save A Chick Brochure"

chick care.png

We also have "condensed" versions of the main brochure in postcard formats. Click on the image below to download the PDF version. (3).png

Thanks to all the chicken forum members for their teamwork and support of this great cause!