Breed Details:
The Blue Scale is about 10 1/2 inches long at maturity. The sexes are almost identical in plumage color. Their name come from the delicate scale markings in their plumage which varies from slate blue to grayish in color. Both sexes have the cotton topped crest. Males can be detected from females by the plain brownish chin coloration. The females will have light pin stripes in the chin area. In the wild these small birds breed in pairs. The breeding season varies throughout its range and two clutches in a season are fairly common. Hens lay 9-16 eggs with irregular brown spots. The eggs are larger than a Bobwhites. Incubation takes 23 days. In the winter these birds travel and feed in coveys that average 20-30 individuals although groups as large as 150 have been reported. This quail is not considered threatened or endangered in the wild as it is common and widespread throughout its range. In captivity Scaled Quail have a reputation for being flighty or nervous. In reality they are active but have been tamed down enough to accept treats through the wire or from their keeper's hand. Aviaries should be longer than they are wide to allow the quail to move away from you when performing upkeep. Dry, sandy ground is beneficial and areas of cover should be provided to make the quail feel secure. Scaled Quail are generally non-aggressive and can be housed with other quail and "exotic" species; although, keep in mind different species requirements. Hens may lay up to 50 or 60 eggs in a breeding season in captivity. Chicks are easy to raise taking to gamebird starter quite easily. Blue Scaled quail can be raised on wire but it is recommended that through the breeding season they be kept on the ground in a secure aviary. Birds should be protected from predators like dogs, cats, snakes, or birds of prey. Gamebird crumble with a dish of greens and seeds make a very good diet for these quail. Housing several birds together allow them to form a natural covey and pair of on their own during breeding season.




