Signs you have a broody hen

Very informative! I have a broody Blue Ameraucana, she has plucked out a ton of feathers that are in the nesting box and I was always wondering why. For some reason she likes to go broody in late June-early July. And my friend's silkies are the most aggressive broody mamas you could every find.
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So true! Also, my broody girls often squat for me to pet them about a week before going broody. I love the photo you provided of hen & chicks above, too adorable. ❤️
Great article. Goes into lots of detail. I'll come back if it seems I have a broody!
Very informative. My hens showed all of these when they were broody. Some more pics would be nice (I have plenty so If you want you can PM me, I can get Raven's naked breast and maybe her poop tommorow!)
Very helpful! I have gone through so many broodies, and I have had quite the broody wave this year!
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Nicely done.
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