Sparrow Ministries is certainly a gift from God. I, Mike Bartram, Along with my family, in a small town in West Virginia have been blessed to serve this cause. Raising fowl is not a new thing to our family; as my father, and my grandparents always had chickens. They have passed their knowledge and the love of raising these birds from generation to generation. Now, we teach our children and grandchildren what our forefathers have passed down to us. Sparrow Ministries was born from God and He has certainly brought me through many obstacles that set me in the county where I reside today. God’s ways are far beyond what we can understand, and in the end, if we are faithful and obedient to Him, our Lord will use us in a way that will please Him. God is wonderful, and has blessed me and my family, beyond anything we could fathom. I love my Lord, and I thank him for leading me into this ministry.

It didn’t take long for us to realize that our chickens were producing more eggs than our family could use. I first tried to sell these eggs in our community (“half-heartedly”), but we never sold the first one. I know I could have been aggressive and made some sales, but I never really had the desire to make money from them. God had placed in our hearts to give them to our neighborhood so that’s exactly what we did. After doing this for a short while, the Lord evolved this into an egg ministry thus including God’s Word on every carton. It has proven to be more rewarding to give the eggs away than to sell them anyway. Ironically, when we tried to sell the eggs with the sign in our front yard, we had no luck, but when we started giving them to our neighbors, they were eager to pay; although, that is not Gods plan so we have never received 1 penny for any of these eggs.

So, here is how it works. First we gather and clean the eggs, and then package them in egg cartons with stickers that have GOD’S WORD printed on them; with an invitation to our local church, and a label that identifies Sparrow Ministries with a phone number. The idea is, to offer a good source of food, along with the Word, to those in need of nourishment, or just to be reminded that there are still people in the world who care about others. Some people may have never had the privilege to read or hear the Word of God, and we hope that this Ministry will reach some of those people. One very important part of this; is that we must give them away without asking anything in return; although, most of our recipients do keep the cartons and we pick them up on the next delivery. Sometimes; people are confused with the thought of getting something for nothing, but; that’s when you have an opportunity to show a Christ like love and lift up Jesus Christ to them. Our hope is that the attached Bible verses will catch the eye of our recipients and intrigue them to want to learn more about God, and possibly visit a local church. We are anxiously awaiting the day that someone we’ve given eggs to, will walk through the doors of our little country church, and accept Jesus Christ in their hearts. We use prayer as our guide, and try to distribute these eggs where the Lord leads us. This has been a great blessing to our whole family. Although, as of right now, Sparrow Ministries is dominantly an “egg” giving Ministry, the possibilities of where God may lead us, are endless. Like most of you, our family’s budget operates from week to week and is often tight. One quick observation is that as we increase our flock, we also increase the feed bill. We will continue to trust the Lord to provide a way for us to keep them all fed and producing eggs.

The reason I believe Sparrow Ministries can be successful; is because first, it is Gods ministry of which we are only servants. Second, it is made up of many different groups who have their very own independent ministries in their own town. God has not designed this to be one large governed organization but instead; Sparrow Ministries is to be made up of many small “town size” Ministries. Using this process each person can pray to God, and ask how their small groups can make a difference in their particular situation. I also think it will be fruitful with each success or failure being totally independent of each other.

If you decide to join in these efforts, then it will be totally up to you how successful you make your ministry, through your personal relationship with God. There are many different ways to participate in this ministry. First and foremost; you should pray about how God would like to use you before doing anything. You could, of course, start your own Ministry in your area, by buying a flock and starting to produce eggs for your independent distribution under the name Sparrow Ministries. We can support you with a custom logo; including your telephone number. We can also provide you with a formatted “word” document with some Bible verses to get you started. You would be surprised how many people in your area are having a tough time making it in today’s economy, and you might be surprised to see how rewarding it is to show a random act of kindness to your neighbors. You can also help this ministry by donating material, feed, hens, or even the eggs if you are not interested in delivering them yourself. You could also use your credit card, to make a “one time” donation in our paypal account, where it would be used to expand and support in the direction the Lord leads. Most importantly we desire your prayers that God will bless this Ministry.


Luke 12
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God?
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.

Our goal is to reach out to our community; following the examples that Jesus has left us. With love and kindness, we would like to offer a token of nourishment; for not only the body, but for the soul also. We pray that while God is helping us feed the hunger of our bodies, he will also feed the hunger of our souls, with His Holy Word; remembering to Always give thanks to God for making provisions for both.

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Feel free to contact us for more information on how you can do this in your own area
5104 Beagle Club Rd.
Pliny, WV 25070