Okay I guess I should do a swap info page
This information is on swaps AFTER 8/30/11
9/6/11- Peggy(PDSavage)- 6+ EE eggs when they start laying again(birds arent laying yet)
9/14/11- side swap with BHep 3 soaps(not sending until the GLPs lay)
9/26/11- 202roosterlane- 10 feed bags (will go out this Friday)
10/31/11- Dmccann- 5 feed sacks and soaps
9/14/11 sideswap-BHep- 6 GLP eggs
9/26/11 ShellyGA - Buff Polish Eggs
**update**- 12-4-11 : to those whom I owe, I am so sorry for the excessive delay. Those of you who have dealt with me before know, I am usually really quick on the swapping but I have come upon some difficulties recently and have only today gotten back on BYC since October. Thank you for all of your patience and I will be getting your stuff out by the end of the month.
This information is on swaps AFTER 8/30/11
9/6/11- Peggy(PDSavage)- 6+ EE eggs when they start laying again(birds arent laying yet)
9/14/11- side swap with BHep 3 soaps(not sending until the GLPs lay)
9/26/11- 202roosterlane- 10 feed bags (will go out this Friday)
10/31/11- Dmccann- 5 feed sacks and soaps
9/14/11 sideswap-BHep- 6 GLP eggs
9/26/11 ShellyGA - Buff Polish Eggs
**update**- 12-4-11 : to those whom I owe, I am so sorry for the excessive delay. Those of you who have dealt with me before know, I am usually really quick on the swapping but I have come upon some difficulties recently and have only today gotten back on BYC since October. Thank you for all of your patience and I will be getting your stuff out by the end of the month.