This is my Swap Page!

Here on the homestead, we have a free-ranging laying flock that consists of French Black Copper Marans, Easter Egger and Australorp hens and a feather-shanked Blue Copper Marans Roo. I'm working on blue feather-shanked Olive Eggers with 6+ eggs/week laying rates. I have F1 chicks now out of my old FBCM roo, and the new roo is for fathering the F2s.

Hatching Eggs:
I only have chicken eggs that will hatch into Pure Marans, or Olive Eggers right now. Working on building some pens to do purebred heritage breeds(and getting said breeds!).

Muscovy Ducks- I also have a blue-eyed white drake and a black pied duck. Eggs should be available Spring '13.

Silver Fox Rabbits- Pedigreed Blacks and Blues, working on pedigrees for my Chocolates(2013)! Pick-up/Meet-up only, details can be arranged privately :)

Other Items of Interest: *Will get pictures soon!!*

doTERRA Essential oils and products. Incredible Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils that help with everything from chronic pain, hormonal imbalance, fever, viral infections, diaper rash, and more.

Graphic Design- I use Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro to make logos, banners, etc.

Home made Cold-process (Goats milk or vegan) soap, can do custom pours including scent/color free for sensitive skin.

I knit, crochet, embroider and sew. Scarves, baby hats and shoes, aprons, cloth diapers, etc. I'm also starting to work with leather. So if you have a custom item you need for a gift or just because, shoot me a PM and I'll see what we can swap for.

Books- I have many books I need to get pictures of!

Paper-craft Supplies- Everything from 12X12 paper to stamps, punches, etc.

LIMITED Yak Down- Fiber from my yak herd, still processing through it. Good for spinning into yarn, similar to Cashmere, with short staple.

Will have Icelandic and Shetland fleeces in the Spring and early Fall.

Looking For:
*Hatching Eggs/Chicks*
Cream Crested Legbar
*Other Goodies*
Organic/Heritage/Heirloom seeds

Let me know what else you have/link me your swap page and let's Swap it Up!



PayPal/Hatching Egg Swap:
Post # 524 CCL from Madamwlf (SPRING or sooner)
Post # 2106 CCL from babymakes6 (SPRING)
Post # 3144 Hedemora from crazypetlady (SPRING)