The Antler Mountains ~A Wolf RP~ Archives

The Antler Mountains ~A Wolf RP~ Archives

Picture by @RoosterWhisperer

This is where I'll post the forms of everyone's wolves of The Antler Mountains ~A Wolf RP~, so hopefully, we can all keep track. :)



Map of the Antler Mountains by @Lacy Duckwing


Map of the Antler Mountains by @Blue Raptor

Sayuki Pack:


Alpha Male: Blazer by @Lacy Duckwing (Used to be Loner, but became Alpha.)
Name: Blazer
Gender: Male
Age: 4.5 years old.
Mate: Unknown if he has one or not.
Pack: It used to be Sayuki, but was banished from the pack around the time Hunter became Alpha.
Personality: Stern. He was originally a Beta, and still acts like one even though he's a Loner.
Rank: Loner.
Physical Description: Large built; even though he has that slight Loner unhealthy look to him, he looks rather well. Most of his fur is mainly a dark, dark black, with some silvery-white fur on his bottom half. Average golden brown wolf eyes.
Other: Blazer has been accused of killing another wolf once, and that some wolf, that nobody knows who, told him to do it. Blazer claims it was an accident, and won't say who bribed him, or why. Blazer was used to be Sayuki Pack's Beta male, and had a mate. When Blazer was banished from the pack, his mate mysteriously disappeared. He wonders around the Antler Mountains, though he prefers to hang around Moose Ear Mountain the most.

Alpha Female: Álfr by @Willowhisp (Used to be Mid Rank, but became Alpha.)
Name: álfr (Pronounced ale-fur) (Old Icelandic for elf)
Gender: female
Age: 2
Mate: none... yet
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Sweet and caring and often forgets to take care of herself. Amazing with pups and has always wanted a mate. she lives for the hunt and loves chances to lead it. She lives quiet time and if she could choose one sound to hear for the rest of her life it would be running water.
Rank: mid rank
Physical Description: All white with some black on the tips of her ears and tail. slender, maybe too much so but her fur is fluffy so you couldn't tell. Her eyes are a beautiful, piercing gold with black slivers in them making them look like eclipses.
Other: (@Lacy Duckwing )


Beta Male: Toshikazu by @CrazyCochin
Name: Toshikazu
Gender: Male
Age: 3
Mate: none yet... better watch out.
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Lazy and flirtatious, but deep down has a hard wroking attitude! And he doesn't quite no how to handle female wolves.... Lol
Rank: Beta male
Physical Description: A chestnut brown wolf, with very scruffy fur, and brown eyes.
Other: He has eye's for Kyouko...

Beta Female: Freya by @Butterscotchbitesfinger
Name: Freya
Age: 2
Gender: F
Mate: none…yet
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: quite snappy, it takes a lot to get anyone to actually interact with her because she is so well known for needing respect and demanding it from other wolves. She is kinda scary and is so intent on being known as tough that she has scared everyone off however she has a select few friends, e.g. the alpha’s are some of her best friends so she gets along well with them. She steps in and keeps the pack in line if the female or male Alpha is busy.
She has quite a complex past and she hates discussing it. She was horribly scalded in a huge fire a few years ago and nobody knows about it, not even the alpha’s. She gets very defensive if anyone brings it up and immediately her walls go up. She is quite cagey about telling anyone what happened to her as she is traumatised by it.
Rank: Beta
Physical description: she has a thick grey coat but there is a lot of her face which is horribly scarred and she is ashamed of it. She has green eyes and usually avoids looking anyone in the eyes.
Other: she has never been in love nor has she ever wanted to be. She is also not a fan of any romance and doesn’t particularly want to have a mate because she gets frustrated so easily she just doesn’t think it would work.

Mid Rankers:

Upper Mid Rank: Ripple by @TheOddOneOut
Name: Ripple
Gender: M
Age: 3
Mate: none
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Clever, cunning. Very intelligent. Not super friendly. Gets along with other wolves but is a bit standoffish when it comes to “friends”.
Rank: Upper Mid Ranker
Physical Description: Deep gray fur with some silvery hairs (not from age, he’s not old.) Two white paws, and silver-blue eyes. Long legs, narrow snout, and tall silver-tipped ears give him an elegant, still air about him, but don’t be fooled. He is strong and swift and can take down large prey.
Other: Has a little permanent curve at the end of his silver-tipped tail because it bent when his mother struggled to give birth to him.

Upper Mid Rank: Owl by @Willowhisp
Name: Owl
Gender: Male but everyone thinks he's female
Age: 1
Mate: n/a
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Loyal, Prideful, fierce, intelligent (rest to be played out)
Rank: Upper mid
Physical Description: All black save for a silver mask on his face, ears, tail, and legs. Slender, often mistook as a female. Small for a male wolf but large for a female. Beautiful gold/yellow eyes that remind other's of an owls eyes. His fur is not short but not too long.
Other: @Lacy Duckwing

Upper Mid Rank: Alexander by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Alexander
Gender: Male
Age: 1.5 years old
Mate: None, for now....
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Some call him boring..... He can be caring and understanding. Likes to help, and knows what to do to take care of any wound or injury.
Rank: Upper Mid Rank
Physical Description: Fur is silver. He's a smaller wolf, but nobody really notices that.
Other: Hunter's brother.

Upper Mid Rank: Zenaida by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Zenaida
Gender: Female
Age: 1.5 years old
Mate: None
Pack: Sayuki Pack
Personality: Nosey. She likes to know everyone's business.
Rank: Upper Mid Rank
Physical Description: All white fluffy fur. She's a little larger than the average wolf. Brown eyes.

Upper Mid Rank: Niaomh by @cece_chickens
Pack: Sayuki
Rank: Alpha/Alpha female (which ever is available)
Name: Niaomh (pronounced nee-iv)
Age: 3
Mate: none
Personality: aggressive, vain, intelligent, observant
Physical description: Chocolate brown with yellow eyes and dark black nose, super fluffy, shiny coat, tall, muscular
Other: If the alpha role isn’t available then lmk.

Mid Rank: Kyouko by @RoosterWhisperer
Name: Kyouko
Gender: female
Age: 3 years old
Mate: None yet. (Toshikazu in the future ;).)
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Kyouko has a mischievous and crafty side, but also a playful nature for her personality. She possesses a magnificent figure that most people dare not look at too openly, with an amicable attitude. She's easy to talk to. She's also a impeccable huntress.
Rank: Mid ranker.
Physical Description: Dark fur with blue green eyes.
Other: (Likes Toshi but doesn't know how to tell him....) :).

Mid Rank: Hoshi by @CrazyCochin (Character dropped out)
Name: Hoshi
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Mate: None
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: friendly, love to converse, doesn't like to fight, but rather be a peace maker.
Rank:Middle ranker?
Physical Description: A red-ish blonde, with white. Green eyes.
Other: To be RPed.

Mid Rank: Aruna by @TheOddOneOut
Name: Aruna (meaning ‘moon’)
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Mate: She wishes she had one.
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Clever, charming, witty. She always makes the best jokes. She gets along with almost everyone, and everyone likes her. But she doesn’t have that many wolves who she’s actually close to. Those who are close to her know she’s not always as confident and happy as she seems. But she tries her best.
Rank: Mid-ranker
Physical Description: Silvery black. Her fur darkens around the tip of her ears, tail, and face, and around her legs. Her eyes are a rich brown with amber-gold flecks. She’s quite stunning.
Other: She really wishes she had a mate and later, pups. She’s had various crushes, but nothing ever…real.


Mid Rank: Dragonfly by @Crestcrazy2
Name: Dragonfly ( but everyone calls him Dray)
Gender: Male
Age: 3 human years
Mate: None but open.
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Sweet, caring and cheery. He’s often chosen to babysit the pups, not just because he’s kind, but because he’s also very protective and skilled in defensive fighting. He’s determined and strong willed, and likes to be heard. He loves a good hunt and when he’s not helping with the pups, he likes to go out into the woods by himself.
Rank: Middle-ranker
Physical Description: his fur is a mix of light and dark brown along with a light sand color, the sand color is mostly markings and the underbelly, inside his ears and around the eyes. His eyes are a dull blue/grey. He’s built fairly normal and his fur is soft and velvety. He’s got a slight limp in his left back leg from an incident involving a few pups he was watching and a puma. It doesn’t impair his speed or agility however.
Other: ( look good?! )

Mid Rank: Ade by @Willowhisp
Name: Ade
Gender: Female
Age: 5
Mate: n/a
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: to be played out
Rank: mid
Physical Description: Typical grey wolf, grey to black fur with yellow eyes
Other: she's deaf and doesn't talk all that often

Mid Rank: Hilina by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Hilina
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years old
Mate: King
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Outgoing, and can be fun. Can be smart about things. Likes some adventure. Has a mothering part about her, loves pups!
Rank: Mid Rank
Physical Description: Normal female wolf size. Fur is all white, with maybe a little bit of grey mixed in, but not too obvious. Light blue eyes.
Other: Hilina is Blazer's daughter.

Mid Rank: Ashera by @Willowhisp
Name: Ashera
Gender: Female
Age: 1.5
Mate: N/A
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: overly kind but can get feisty. Now that she's older, she's a little on the depressed side. She has never even seen the light of day even.
Rank: Mid
Physical Description: blue coat a little lighter than her fathers and milky green eyes because she’s blind. About the average size for a female wolf.
Other: She is the daughter of Amber and Jasper from a coyote RP actually but she can be a wolf in here. She was born blind but has never known anything else so she's actually an excellent hunter and quite capable of taking care of herself. Hardly anyone knows that she is blind except for those from her old pack because she is very adept at hiding it. She has excellent hearing and smell as compensation for her lack of sight... it seems eerie to those who don't know why

Mid Rank: Misty by @HKG
Name: Misty
Gender: female
Age: 2 years
Mate: doesn't have one yet
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: fun and playful, but calm when she should be.
Rank: Middle
Physical Description: thin and pretty with silvery white fur.
Other: She is looking for a mate.

Mid Rank: Yin by @Willowhisp
Name: Yin
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Mate: none
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Shy but very curious. she loves her brother and loves life. is most likely bipolar
Rank: mid
Physical Description: a solid black female wolf with a large white spot on her head. Her eyes are a deep entrancing gold.
Other: her twin is Yang, the two are insperable.

Mid Rank: Yang by @Willowhisp
Name: Yang
Gender: Male
Age: 3
Mate: none
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: held back, passive, brutally honest, very protective of his sister Yin
Rank: mid
Physical Description: a solid white male wolf with a large black spot on his head. His eyes are a deep entrancing gold as well.
Other: his twin is Yin.

Mid Rank: Ginger by @Little Baby Bean
Name: Ginger
Gender: Female
Age: 1.5 years
Mate: None yet
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: To be RPed
Rank: Mid-rank
Physical Description: Orange fur except for her black legs and muzzle. Could be easily mistaken for a fox though she never really has been. Has bright blue eyes and is very pretty.
Other: Would like for her to have a mate eventually.

Mid Rank: Dahlia by @JustBabyMargo
Name: Dahlia
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years old
Mate: None, but is wanting one.
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: To be played out
Rank: Mid Rank
Physical Description: Looks something like this-
Other: Hilina’s best friend. Sees Blazer as more of a father figure.

Mid Rank: Anthony by @Lacy Duckwing (Been kicked out of Pack.)
Name: Anthony
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
Mate: None
Pack: Sayuki Pack, though some might forget....
Personality: Appears laid back at times.... But that's usually a front. He likes to secretly control other wolves. He does that so if things go wrong, it's them that gets the blame, not him. Easily jealous of other wolves....
Rank: Mid Rank
Physical Description: Mostly a reddish brown color to him with a mixture of tan and silver. Average wolf size.
Other: Secretly has a secret with Blazer. Used to hang out with another wolf as Loners, though he called themselves a 'pack.' He's often not with the pack wolves, though he enjoys company, especially if he can control them. A possibly very dangerous wolf, though nobody realizes it.

Mid Rank: King by @The-White-Elephant
Name: King
Gender: Male
Age: 1 year old
Mate: Hilina
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Kind/gentle at calm times, curious, determined, will be dangerous in times of need.
Rank: Mid Rank
Physical Description: He isn’t the biggest, but he is big. He has blue eyes, and a grey coat, but with brown here and there. His coat is also pretty dense. (Trying to make him look somewhat pretty :)) He would look a lot like this one here, but I would like if he had a little of brown on him as well

Mid Rank: Estrella's by @fangthehunter
Name: Estrella's ( means stars in Spanish.) goes by ester.
Gender: male
Age: 5-6 months
Mate: none
Pack: sayuki
Personality: kind, loving, courageous.
Rank: none
Physical Description: A pure black wolf pup with silver bangs that cover one of his eye's
Other: His parents abandoned him because they thought he wasn't good enough.

Mid Rank: Finn by @Chikyboy
Name: Finn
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years
Mate: Has none
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Nice, shy, though easily angered.
Rank: Mid rank
Physical Description: Tan, soft fur.

Mid Rank: Grayson (Gray) by @Little Baby Bean
Name: Grayson(Gray)
Gender: Male
Age: A little under two years old
Mate: None at the moment. He likes to think about how a mate would help with how he acts from time to time though.
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Pretty laid-back for the most part. He can seem depressed at times only because of his past. He's got a little bit of a temper.
Rank: Mid-Rank
Physical Description: He's a pretty bluish-grey wolf with white paws, white-tipped ears, and a grey tail with splotches of white. Smaller than the average male wolf. He's got bright yellow eyes.
Other: Used to be pretty close to Marcus but ever since Marcus got a mate, their friendship went downhill. He's had a traumatic past(haven't come up with anything for that yet though)

Lower Mid Rank: Jock by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Jock
Gender: Male
Age: 6 years old
Mate: None, though he always wanted one.
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Laid back, and not very bright. Slow, never caring to go anywhere fast.
Rank: Lower Mid Rank
Physical Description: Short. Has Red/Tanish fur everywhere except for his bottom half; which is a dull silvery-gray. Has dull brown eyes. All his fur is messed up and dirty like he's never even tried to take care of it. Sorta skinny for no reason (might have worms), and is missing a couple of teeth with bad breath.
Other: He's looking for a friend.

Lower Mid Rank: Jin by @Anime2lover
Name: jin
Gender: male
Age: 2 yr
Mate: none
Pack: sayuki
Personality: jin is a bit of a loner among his pack. He likes to go off on his own often but can do well in a group as well. He likes to explore and nap as well.
Rank: lower mid ranker
Physical Description: he is a young stalky coco brown colored wolf with two black front paws and a black muzzle.
Other: he was a loner that joined when he was a pup.

Lower Mid Rank: Akua by @TheOddOneOut
Name: Akua
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years
Mate: None
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Easygoing, kind. He’s very sweet but can be oblivious when someone is annoyed with him. He worries about what the she-wolves in the pack think of him, but gets along great with the males. He is silly, and has a bit of growing up to do in terms of personality.
Rank: Lower-Mid
Physical Description: A flecked pale gray, with lighter hints of cream in some spots. Tall, with long legs and a narrow, handsome muzzle. Light brown eyes.
Other: Aruna’s littermate. He’s very close with his sister and is quite protective of her. He knows that she sometimes struggles with anxiety and is her best source of comfort. They were the only pups to survive to adulthood out of a litter of 5, and their parents died. All they have is each other.
He doesn’t like it when male wolves look at Aruna in a certain way.

Lower Mid Rank: Acorn by @cluckmecoop7
Name: Acorn
Gender: Female
Age: 1 yr
Mate: none
Pack: loner
Personality: Brave, bold, mischievous, loyal, smart
Rank: loner
Physical Description: Fluffy white with black tipped ears (one bent over) and a black spot on neck.
Other: *maybe* thinking about joining a pack


Blazer and Álfr's Pups (Alphas):

Alpha Pup: Gerald by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Gerald
Gender: Male
Age: Pup
Mate: None, he's a pup
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Bold headed and very dominant. Rebellious.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Built just like his father, Blazer. Big, fluffy. Reddish brown fur with black mixed in. Big paws.
Other: Blazer's and Álfr's pup; firstborn of his litter.

Alpha Pup: Whip by @Willowhisp
Name: Whip
Gender: Female
Age: pup
Mate: n/a
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: a perfect blend of her parents with the bold headedness and dominant personality of her father but the kindheartedness and demeanor or her mother, would probably make an excellent alpha one day
Rank: n/a
Physical Description: the opposite of her mother, mostly black eyes with yellow crescents and her fur is all black but white tipped (white snout, ears, tail, feet). She has huge paws and will probably be massive for a wolf, let alone a female wolf
Other: Blazer and Álfr's second born pup.
Will probably have some quarrel with Gerald with how dominant the they both are

Alpha Pup: Rusty by @Alyssa-Bee
Name: Rusty (Short for Rusticolus which is based on the gyrfalcon/Falco rusticolus)
Gender: Male
Age: 0 years (newly born pup)
Mate: N/A (still a pup)
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Probably due to his yeilding to his siblings' more dominant personalities, Rusty is submissive and lacks a lot of confidence. He is kind and friendly towards almost all other wolves, though he often prefers being in solitude. Adventurous.
Physical Description: Rusty has a large strong build like his father. He is the same black speckled reddish brown as his dad, but has a snow white belly and ear tips. He has large paws, his right one also being white. His eyes are black slivered gold like his his mother's.

Other: Last born of Blazer and Álfr's litter.

Alexander and Ginger's Pups:

Pup: Dexter by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Dexter
Gender: Male
Age: Pup
Mate: None, he's a pup
Pack: Sayuki Pack
Personality: Laid back and quiet. Usually appears to keep to himself. Does grawl sometimes, especially when offended. He's a lot like his father, Alexander.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Mostly white. Has some black mixed into his fur a little. Has the most of his black fur around his muzzle and paws. Dark blue eyes. Built just like his mother.
Other: He's Alexander's and Ginger's pup; their firstborn.

Pup: Nutmeg by @Little Baby Bean
Name: Nutmeg
Gender: Female
Age: Pup
Mate: None, she's a pup.
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: To be RPed.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: She's got mostly orange fur from her mother mixed with some silver from her father. She has partly black muzzle and paws.
Other: One of Alexander's and Ginger's pups

Pup: Baxter by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Baxter
Gender: Male
Age: Pup
Mate: None; he's a pup
Pack: Sayuki Pack
Personality: Adventuresome.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Gray fur all over, with a little bit of silver on his bottom half. Built just like his father. Wolf yellow eyes.
Other: Alexander's and Ginger's pup

King and Hilina's Pups:

Pup: Laufen by @Blue Raptor
Name: Laufen (it means ‘run’ ;) )
Gender: Male
Age: Infant
Mate: None
Pack: Um…
Personality: Curious and courageous, loyal to his pack, and runs like the wind! :)
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: White on his legs and underbelly, and golden tan on his back and face, his long tail curls slightly. He has bright emerald eyes.

Pup: Rocky by @The-White-Elephant
Name: Rocky
Gender: Male
Age: Infant
Mate: None
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: To be played out
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: White fur with grey streaks, light brown paws.

Pup: Jezzabelle by @Butterscotchbitesfinger
Name: Jezzabelle
Gender: F
Age: Infant
Mate: none
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: very sweet, kind and loving- when you get to know her. She puts on a front that makes her seem aloof and independent when all she really wants is her parents and her siblings and the packs approval. She is quite sly and has the ability to pop up or slip away without being noticed
Physical description: she has dark Smokey grey fur and big blue eyes.

Pup: Sofia by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Sofia
Gender: Female
Age: Pup; 4 weeks old
Mate: None, she's a pup.
Pack: Sayuki Pack
Personality: Slightly laid back but helpful.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Built similar to her mother. All white fur. Blue eyes.
Other: Hilina's and King's pup.

Other Pups:

Pup: Bella by @Anime2lover
Name: bella
Gender: female
Age: 5 1/2 weeks
Mate: none
Pack: sayuki
Personality: she is playful, loves getting dirty and digging around. Loves playing in mud even more. She is also adventurous and daring, and loves to learn new things. She is also hyper and hard to scare.
Rank: pup
Physical Description: light grey with four brown socks, a brown tail tip and brown ear tips. Blue eyes, black nose, and currently on the shorter side.
Other: she was born to two lower middle ranked wolves and has one littermate, a brother called dash.

Pup: Snowie by @BackyardKittens
Name: Snowie
Age: 5 months old
Mate: nobody
Pack: sayuki pack
Personality: sweet, silly
Rank: pup
Physical Description: a small pure white wolf pup with blue eyes
Other: she can swim


Omega: Marcus by @Little Baby Bean
Name: Marcus
Gender: Male
Age: A bit more than 2 years old.
Mate: None... yet. Although, Dahlia will most likely be his mate.
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: To be RPed. Although, he is tough for an omega.
Rank: Omega
Physical Description: Smaller than average wolves. Mostly white but with some grey and some tannish coloring in his fur. Orange eyes.
Other: Used to be a low Mid-Ranker. He recently was changed to the rank 'Omega'.

Tashiro Pack:


Alpha Male: Hato by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Hato
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years old
Mate: Tallulah
Pack: Tashiro Pack
Personality: Strangely calm, and laid back. Not very aggressive, though is very annoyed whenever another wolf approaches or stands on his left side where he's missing an eye.
Rank: Alpha
Physical Description: Dark gray to almost black fur. All his fur is the same color. One dark blue eye on his right. He has a missing left eye.
Other: Hato is missing his left eye, and nobody knows why. Is a very trustworthy Alpha, though can be very easily taken advantage of without knowing it. Timmy's brother.

Alpha Female: Tallulah by @Anime2lover
Name: tallulah
Gender: female
Age: about 4 yr
Mate: hopefully alpha male if she's accepted
Pack: tashiro
Personality: Tallulah is a witty curious female whom loves a good challenge. She is on the aggressive side and is stubborn. She also tends to be fair and thoughtful in her judgements. Cause trouble and you will be fairly punished. Don't cause trouble and she'll leave you be. She cares for pups and will gladly protect them. She's even known to accept pups that aren't from the pack.
Rank: alpha female
Physical Description: she is black with a silver face and four silver legs. She also has a silver tipped tail. Her right eye has a large scar over her right eye and her left ear had been burned off.
Other: she was caught in a forest fire as a pup. She lost her ear and gained a burn scar over her right eye during that fire. She has an immense fear of fire.


Beta Female: Sherbert by @Willowhisp
Name: Sherbert
Gender: female
Age: 2 years
Mate: none yet
Pack: Tashiro
Personality: Sweet and loyal but also feisty and fierce. Rest to be played out
Rank: Beta
Physical Description: All black but with an eye discoloration due to one of her parents having a blue eyed leucistic gene. One eye is brown and the other is blue. She is rather small but never quite grew into her ears so she has big ears. She is rather adorable and beautiful
Other: Even though she is small, she is very strong

Beta Male: Tatsuya by @CrazyCochin (Tatsuya used to be Mid Rank.)
Name: Tatsuya (Meaning dragon or something)
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years
Mate: None.
Pack: Toshiro
Personality: Doesn't have much of one to be frank, but he can be humorous at times, and is always willing to help.
Rank: A mid-ranker
Physical Description: A very dark brown, almost black, wolf, with blue eyes.
Other: He is very powerful, (in a natural way) he has superb fighting capabilities.

Mid Rankers:

Upper Mid Rank: Nana by @Anime2lover
Name: nana
Gender: female
Age: 2 yr
Mate: none
Pack: tashiro
Personality: she is daring and kinda arrogant. She is also a proud and careful female. she is also curious and caring but prefers not to let that show.
Rank: upper middle ranker
Physical Description: she is black with four white paws and a black muzzle. Her build is the same large build as her older sister Tallulah.
Other: her older sister is Tallulah. She also has one other sister, and two brothers in her litter.

Upper Mid Rank: Miyuki by @RoosterWhisperer
Name: Miyuki
Gender: female
Age: 3 yrs old
Mate: None.
Pack: Tashiro
Personality: She has a warm and loving nature, and defends her brother anytime she can. She feels bad about being the "genius", but she thinks he is the real genius, Also, their father only cares about Miyuki, and ignores Tatsuya completely.
Rank: Upper mid ranker.
Physical Description: Dark bluey black with white points and bright blue eyes.
Other: Is Tatsuya's little sis.

Mid Rank: Caiden by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Caiden
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years old
Mate: None, currently.
Pack: Tashiro Pack
Personality: Sorta laid back, though can get aggressive sometimes. Gets offended sometimes, and can be a bit territorial at times. Doesn't always seem that intelligent...
Rank: Mid Rank
Physical Description: Fluffy, especially around his head. Large looking in his all around appearance. Mostly yellow fur with gray mixed in. Brown eyes.
Other: Caiden is Timmy's friend, with them sometimes hanging out together. Isn't trusted much due to knowingly endangering the Alpha, Hato, once, where Hato actually got hurt thanks to Caiden.

Mid Rank: Goose by @Amer
Name: Goose
Gender: female
Age: 1 year
Mate: looking
Pack: Toshiro
Personality: Goose is cheerful and exuberant, spacey, and a fan of attractive male wolves. She isn’t exactly flirty though, she clams up when she actually tries to talk to them. She does does stare at them a lot. She constantly chatters to her friends about them. (Who are her friends?) This bubbly side is sharply contrasted by her business attitude to hunting and rank. She is fiercely loyal to her pack and a lethal killer. She is also a bit emotionally manipulative.
Rank: midranker
Physical Description: a basic grey wolf, healthy, with big, cute, round, dark, warm brown eyes.
Other: based off a Duolingo character incidentally.

Mid Rank: Khali by @Little Baby Bean (Khali used to be a Loner.)
Name: Khali
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Mate: Caiden (soon)
Pack: Loner (soon to be in Tashiro pack)
Personality: Sweet and friendly. Can get feisty if angered. She is pretty smart. She tries to act tough sometimes but she isn't that tough. She loves to explore and is very adventurous. Is very mature and loves pups.
Rank: Loner (for now)
Physical Description: Mostly black fur with lots of silver specks. Khali is very fluffy so it makes her look big when she really isn't. She has grey-ish eyes and is very pretty.
Other: Khali's family died when she was two years old and ever since she has had to hunt and cope on her own. She learned how to hunt by herself and is surprisingly great at it! Since she is so adventurous she would love to have some friends or even to be in a pack.

Mid Rank: Hawk by @Silkie Princess
Name: Hawk
Gender: female
Age: 3 years old
Mate: nobody at the moment
Pack: Tashiro pack
Personality: snappy, ill- tempeted and sharp- tounged
Rank: mid- rank
Physical description: has long gray fur with light white specks
Other: Was born near bobcat river. formerly a loner, joined Tashiro pack so she could be with her mate ? who died a few months later.

Mid Rank: Tree by @Silkie Princess
Name: Tree
Gender: Male
Age: 8 years old
Mate: still trying to find one
Pack: Tashiro
Personality: wise, calm and kind (thought he can be grumpy😩) preffers hunting alone
Rank: mid-rank
Physical description: looks something like this:


Mid Rank: Kane by @fangthehunter
Name: Kane
Gender: male
Age: 2
Mate: looking
Pack: Tashiro
Personality: funky, energetic, cool, calm, collected, does well with younglings.
Rank: mid-rank
Physical Description: grey with white with blue eye and green eye
Other: new to the pack.

Lower Mid Rank: Tawny by @Butterscotchbitesfinger
Name: Tawny
Gender: F
Mate: None atm
Pack: Tashiro
Personality: she’s kinda soft hearted and is never impatient or mean to other wolves (the total opposite of Freya) she’s often taken advantage of by other wolves because of this
Rank: lower mid ranker
Physical description: she’s got a lovely coat which is a rich brown so much that it looks red under some lights. She also has blue eyes and she is often described as pretty

Lower Mid Rank: Athena by @EmmaRainboe
Name: Athena
Gender: Female
Age: 8 months
Mate: None
Pack: Tashiro
Personality: Bubbly and chearful when on her own. Extremely scared of other wolves as she was/still is heavily picked on. She tends to walk low to the ground with her tail tucked as to not draw attention; extremely submissive. She's patient, and kind. She isn't the smartest crayon in the box- but she's not dumb either. Very phylisophical, loves the sun, stars, celestial and other-worldy things,
Rank: Lower
Physical Description: A beautiful yellow-tan which appears golden in the sun. White stomach, front paws, and tip of her tail. She has a scar on her side, and and a missing chunk of her ear, due to past bullying.
Other: Both her mother and her sister have passed away. Her sister and mother were strong, both died heroically attempting to defend the pack, Athena often feels like a failure, weak and worthless compared to what her family was. Much of the pack also looks down on her negatively because of this. Used to be Tashiro's omega, but has gone up to lower thanks to the arrival of Orchid. Orchid is Athena's best and only friend, she stands up for him when possible, as she heavily empathizes with him because she used to be in his position. Will occasionally attempt to steal a bit of extra food for him, but there still isn't much.


Hato and Tallulah's Pups (Alphas):

Alpha Pup: Owen by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Owen
Gender: Male
Age: Pup
Mate: None, he's a pup
Pack: Tashiro Pack
Personality: Sorta laid back like his father. Not very bright. Slow.
Rank: Pup.
Physical Description: Silver fur like his father, but a little lighter.
Other: Hato and Tallulah's pup.

Alpha Pup: Kane by @Anime2lover
Name: Kane
Gender: male
Age: newborn
Mate: none
Pack: tashiro
Personality: playful, hot headed, curious, and cunning.
Rank: pup
Other : one of the pups from hato and tashiro's litter, born second.
Description: large and thick through out. A mice between hATO's and Tallulah's fur coloring with some brown mixed in

Alpha Pup: Tess by @Little Baby Bean
Name: Tess
Gender: Female
Age: Pup
Mate: None; she's a pup
Pack: Tashiro
Personality: Pretty crazy and very active. Can get very aggressive if made aggressive. She loves to play though. She is the complete opposite of her parents since they are calm.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Almost the spitting image of her mother, Tallulah. Her black fur is just a bit lighter because of Hato, her father.
Other: Hato and Tallulah's pup

Alpha Pup: Brynn by @JustBabyMargo
Name: Brynn
Gender: Female
Age: Pup
Mate: None
Pack: Tashiro
Personality: Naive, curious, sometimes disobedient because her curiosity gets the better of her.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Smaller than the others. A fair mix of black and silver with white paws. Has very dark eyes. Very cute.
Other: Hato and Tallulah’s pup.

Alpha Pup: Natanya by @Anime2lover
Name: natanya
Gender: female
Age: newborn
Mate: none
Pack: tashiro
Personality: natanya is a silly creative pup who likes jokes and pranks. She's also witty and stubborn, not afraid to speak her mind.
Rank: pup
Other: one of hato, and tallulah's pups
Description: she is a beautiful silver,white color with one green eye and one golden eye. She is on the small side with a cute stubby little tail and small little ears.*

Alpha Pup: Tayuga by @Willowhisp
Name: Tayuga
Gender: male
Age: newborn
Mate: none, pup
Pack: Tashiro
Personality: very catlike in behavior, boar headed but cunning
Rank: pup
Physical Description: looks nothing like his parents, his eyes are a deep blue that will even out to greenish yellow when he ages. Very foxlike in coloration, it reminds others of Vishnu, the small fox that they once knew. The runt of the litter
Other: he is basically a reincarnation of vishnu but in a wolf's body. Pup of Hato and Tallulah.


Omega: Orchid by @Willowhisp
Name: Orchid
Gender: Male
Age: 1
Mate: N/A
Pack: Tashiro
Personality: Shy and sweet but very mistrustful at first since he's the omega and not used to genuine kindness
Rank: Omega
Physical Description: Extremely thin and malnourished, still small due to the fact that he's not done growing and the fact that he isn't permitted to eat much. His fur is a dirty almost brown color but it was once white... it got filthy over time. His eyes are a deep yellow/gold. Has huge paws and the possibility to be huge but probably won't be


Loner Pup: Uhtred by @Willowhisp
Name: Uhtred
Gender: male
Age: pup
Mate: none
Pack: (whichever is next having pups)
Personality: loyal, fierce, trustworthy but slow to trust, loves food, compassionate, helps everyone before himself, if someone he cares for is killed; just know there's going to be a bloodbath... (the epitome of, treat other's how you want to be treated)
Rank: pup
Physical Description: A black wolf, large but not too large. His fur on his sides is strangely shorter than the fur on top. His fur is very messy. He is extremely fit. Has crystalline sky blue eyes
Other: I want for him to end up as an outlaw that both packs can call on in a time of need...
(if you don't know what he's based off of... it's the Last Kingdom, Uhtred Ragnarson...) (@Lacy Duckwing )

Loner: Fang by @fangthehunter
Name: fang
Gender: male
Age: 2
Mate: none ps looking, fore mate.
Pack: looking fore pack
Personality: calm, confident, persistent, charming, and kind
Rank: no rank yet
Physical Description: fully white with sand-colored paws
Other: Try wolf haven It's a wolf roleplaying game online.
my user name in the game is wolfie520 if u want to chat or send a friend/mate requests.

Loner: Ted by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Ted
Gender: Male
Age: 4 years old
Mate: None
Pack: None
Personality: Quiet and quick. Can sometimes be easily startled, which can end up him either running away, or attacking. Shockingly strong. He doesn't like or approve of any mistreatment of other wolves, no matter the cause.
Rank: Loner
Physical Description: A larger wolf in height, but maybe not weight. Has several strange scars all over him, many aren't noticable unless one is looking for them. Picture of Ted; drawn by me:

Other: Ted has been around the Antler Mountains in the past, but has been in Shigh Valley for years. He was badly mistreated by those of Shigh Valley, and it shows in his behavior.

Loner: Chicxulub by @NC_Quail
Name: Chicxulub (in case you’ve never heard of Chicxulub in real life, it is the name of a meteor crater in Mexico. It is supposedly the meteor that killed the dinosaurs but no one really knows :confused:). Pronounced chick-shoe-lube or cheek-shoe-lube
Gender: female
Age: adult but young (i don’t know what this would be in dog years, but she is small for her age)
Mate: none but open
Pack: loner/ none but open (hoping to join a pack soon once I get the hang of this RP thing)
Personality: She is shockingly fast, and she loves to run so much that she has a bad habit of getting lost. Resolute, reserved, and talks little. She tends to distance herself from others and is highly distrustful of anyone, to the point of paranoia. She has been through a lot, and it made her strong. She has a tendency to see what others don’t, and she has been kicked out of other packs because they thought she was insane. Although she trusts few people, she is fiercely protective of those she cares about. Slightly fatalistic.
Rank: none/loner
Physical Description: Smaller than most, and noticeably so due to her thinner coat. White fur with black/dark grey tips on the tail, ears, legs, and scruff (around her face), many would describe it as appearing “scorched”, hence the name. Unusually thin but graceful figure, many incorrectly assume she is fragile for this reason. Dark blue eyes, described as having a sharp and catlike intelligence.

Other: she has a bad hip from an injury when she was a pup that causes her to limp slightly when she walks. She gets tired of walking quickly due to her bad hip and prefers to run (she is faster over short distances than long). She has an odd connection with domesticated Dogs. Rumor has it that she escaped from an animal testing facility for Dogs when she was little, but no one knows for sure. She has terrible nightmares. Hates the cold due to her shorter coat.

Loner: Silverfoot by @Silverwulfess
Name: Silverfoot
Gender: Male
Age: 5 years
Mate: None
Pack: Happy to go wherever needed/picked up!
Personality: Silverfoot is a very level-headed individual. He is also intensely loyal when he does have a pack. When he is in battle however, there is an intense aggressiveness and viciousness to his actions. He can find it hard to submit but will do as needed, but he won't back down from a fight. He is a very intelligent individual.
Rank: Would like to see where he ends up rank wise naturally
Physical Description: Silverfoot has a silver-grey pelt. His name comes from his one distinguishing feature, white paws blending into the silver fur at the pasterns. His underbelly and underneath his throat are a creamy colour.
Other: I plan to be coming in as a lone wolf, and see where he fits into one or the other pack, if possible!

Loner Pup: Lonestar by @the_peanut_coop
Name: Lonestar
Gender: Female
Age: Four weeks
Mate: N/A yet
Pack: None yet
Personality: To be played out
Rank: Pup/Loner
Physical Description: Black with blue ears and a white star marking on her forehead
Other: Was abandoned/orphaned by mother recently, alone and lost somewhere
Be tolerant with me I'm not new to RPing but i'm definitely new to this RP.

Loner: Din by @Barred Rock Mama
Name: Din
Gender: Male
Age: 4
Mate: None
Pack: Lone wolf
Personality: Quiet; Serious
Rank: None
Physical Description: Typical wolf but more black in him than anything else so that he can blend in better
Other: Works as a bounty hunter and can bring other wolves or animals in or can spy for others as well

Loner: Brina by @hoppingchicks
name: Brina meaning protector
gender: female
age: 2 1/2
mate: not yet 🥺
pack: loner / rouge
personality: fun-loving experienced hunter, is lonely
rank: N/A
physical description: rare red wolf with glowing amber eyes
other: was born a loner but wants to join a pack

Loner: Arya by @Anime2lover
Name: Arya (ahreeah is how it's pronounced)
Gender: female
Age: 1 1/2
Mate: not yet
Pack: none
Personality: she has a silly side, is energetic, is cool and collected, almost noble in the way she carries herself. she is respectful and respectable,, can fight but preffers not to. She isn't a fan of getting dirty but tolerates it just fine. She loves to run and jump,, and is quite agile on her feet. And does well with pups.
Rank: Loner
Looks: the pic below but not with floppy ears
Other: arya was born in a small pack near a human settlement. her mother was the alpha female, her father passed away when she was just about a year old. He was killed in a hunting accident. She grew up in that pack until about four months ago when she was swept away in a flash flood. It was storming hard out, but her younger siblings needed food, they had to go out hunting. They had found deer by the river and were about to hunt them when they suddenly herd the deafening roar. The rest of the hunting party got away safely, but she wasn't so lucky. She didn't get to high ground in time. She was knocked out by the force. Luckily she didn't die, and just woke with some nasty injuries. They healed though, leaving thick scars under her fur. She wondered as a loner since then.

Loner: Fiona by @CrazyCochin
Name: Fiona
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Mate: None (Searching)
Pack: Temporary loner
Personality: Feminine, friendly, shy around new wolves, Caring, tender, supportive.
Rank: None yet.
Physical Description: Tan on head and body, with white neck/collar and undersides. She has orange and blue marks on her back. She is dainty, but not small.
Other: She is a healer, meaning she knows what plants and such are good for wounds and sickness.


List Of Characters by Members in The Antler Mountains ~A Wolf RP~

List of Characters by Members

This is a list of members' characters for convenience. (Hopefully, I don't forget any of anybody's characters. :oops:)

@Lacy Duckwing's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Alpha: Blazer
Upper Mid Rank: Alexander
Upper Mid Rank: Zenaida
Mid Rank: Hilina
Mid Rank: Anthony
Lower Mid Rank: Jock
Alpha Pup: Gerald
Pup: Dexter
Pup: Baxter
Pup: Sofia

Tashiro Pack:
Alpha: Hato
Mid Rank: Caiden
Alpha Pup: Owen

Truman Pack:
Alpha: Hunter
Mid Rank: Timmy
Alpha Pup: Myranda
Alpha Pup: Vivienne
Pup: Becky
Pup: Cody


Coyote: Macaw

@Willowhisp's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Alpha: Álfr
Upper Mid Rank: Owl
Mid Rank: Ade
Mid Rank: Ashera
Mid Rank: Yin
Mid Rank: Yang
Alpha Pup: Whip

Tashiro Pack:
Beta: Sherbert
Pup: Tayuga
Omega: Orchid

Pup: Uhtred

Fox: Vishnu (Dead)
Bat: Dreki (Gone)
Genet: Chandi

@Anime2lover's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Lower Mid Rank: Jin
Pup: Bella

Tashiro Pack:
Alpha: Tallulah
Upper Mid Rank: Nana
Alpha Pup: Kane
Alpha Pup: Natanya

Truman Pack:
Beta: Korrin
Lower Mid Rank: Milly
Alpha Pup: Nina
Pup: Kenai


Bald Eagle: Kalua

@RoosterWhisperer's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Mid Rank: Kyouko

Tashiro Pack:
Upper Mid Rank: Miyuki

Truman Pack:
Alpha: Miya
Alpha Pup: Taiyo

Pergrine Falcon: Thundar

@CrazyCochin's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Beta: Toshikazu
Mid Rank: Hoshi (Character dropped out)

Tashiro Pack:
Beta: Tatsuya


Goose: Gussie (Character dropped out)

@TheOddOneOut's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Upper Mid Rank: Ripple
Mid Rank: Aruna
Lower Mid Rank: Akua

@Butterscotchbitesfinger's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Beta: Freya
Pup: Jezzabelle

Tashiro Pack:
Lower Mid Rank: Tawny

Truman Pack:
Alpha Pup: Wilvona

@JustBabyMargo's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Mid Rank: Dahlia

Tashiro Pack:
Alpha Pup: Brynn

Truman Pack:
Beta: Jax
Mid Rank: Hazel
Pup: Aspen

Vulture: Vito

@Little Baby Bean's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Mid Rank: Ginger
Mid Rank: Grayson (Gray)
Pup: Nutmeg
Omega: Marcus

Tashiro Pack:
Mid Rank: Khali
Alpha Pup: Tess

@Silkie Princess's Characters:

Tashiro Pack:
Mid Rank: Hawk
Mid Rank: Tree

@cluckmecoop7's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Originally Loner: Acorn

@Amer's Characters:

Tashiro Pack:
Mid Rank: Goose

@Crestcrazy2's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Mid Rank: Dragonfly

Dog: Shira

@fangthehunter's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Mid Rank: Estrella's

Tashiro Pack:
Mid Rank: Kane


@The-White-Elephant's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Mid Rank: King
Pup: Rocky

@HKG's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Mid Rank: Misty

@EmmaRainboe's Characters:

Tashiro Pack:
Lower Mid Rank: Athena

@Alyssa-Bee's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Alpha Pup: Rusty

@NC_Quail's Characters:


@Silverwulfess' Characters:


@Chikyboy's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Mid Rank: Finn

@the_peanut_coop's Characters:

Loner Pup:

@Barred Rock Mama's Characters:


@hoppingchicks' Characters:


@Blue Raptor's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Pup: Laufen

Dog: Winter

@cece_chickens's Characters:

Sayuki Pack:
Upper Mid Rank: Niaomh

@BackyardKittens' Characters:

Sayuki Pack:

Pup: Snowie

The Antler Mountains ~A Wolf RP~ Wolf Packs

Lists of Each Wolf Pack:

This is a list of each Wolf Pack with their wolves and ranks. (Hopefully, I get everything correct...)

Sayuki Pack:

Alpha Male:
Blazer by @Lacy Duckwing
Alpha Female: Álfr by @Willowhisp

Beta Male: Toshikazu by @CrazyCochin
Beta Female: Freya by @Butterscotchbitesfinger

Upper Mid Rank: Ripple by @TheOddOneOut
Upper Mid Rank: Owl by @Willowhisp
Upper Mid Rank: Alexander by @Lacy Duckwing
Upper Mid Rank: Zenaida by @Lacy Duckwing
Upper Mid Rank: Niaomh by @cece_chickens

Mid Rank: Kyouko by @RoosterWhisperer
Mid Rank: Hoshi by @CrazyCochin (Character dropped out)
Mid Rank: Aruna by @TheOddOneOut
Mid Rank: Dragonfly by @Crestcrazy2
Mid Rank: Ade by @Willowhisp
Mid Rank: Hilina by @Lacy Duckwing
Mid Rank: Ashera by @Willowhisp
Mid Rank: Misty by @HKG
Mid Rank: Yin by @Willowhisp
Mid Rank: Yang by @Willowhisp
Mid Rank: Ginger by @Little Baby Bean
Mid Rank: Dahlia by @JustBabyMargo
Mid Rank: Anthony by @Lacy Duckwing (Been kicked out of Pack.)
Mid Rank: King by @The-White-Elephant
Mid Rank: Estrella's by @fangthehunter
Mid Rank: Finn by @Chikyboy
Mid Rank: Grayson (Gray) by @Little Baby Bean

Lower Mid Rank: Jock by @Lacy Duckwing
Lower Mid Rank: Acorn by @cluckmecoop7
Lower Mid Rank: Jin by @Anime2lover
Lower Mid Rank: Akua by @TheOddOneOut

Alpha Pup: Gerald by @Lacy Duckwing
Alpha Pup: Whip by @Willowhisp
Alpha Pup: Rusty by @Alyssa-Bee

Pup: Dexter by @Lacy Duckwing
Pup: Nutmeg by @Little Baby Bean
Pup: Baxter by @Lacy Duckwing

Pup: Laufen by @Blue Raptor
Pup: Rocky by @The-White-Elephant
Pup: Jezzabelle by @Butterscotchbitesfinger
Pup: Sofia by @Lacy Duckwing

Pup: Bella by @Anime2lover
Pup: Snowie by @BackyardKittens

Omega: Marcus by @Little Baby Bean

Tashiro Pack:

Alpha Male:
Hato by @Lacy Duckwing
Alpha Female: Tallulah by @Anime2lover

Beta Male: Tatsuya by @CrazyCochin
Beta Female: Sherbert by @Willowhisp

Upper Mid Rank: Nana by @Anime2lover
Upper Mid Rank: Miyuki by @RoosterWhisperer

Mid Rank: Caiden by @Lacy Duckwing
Mid Rank: Goose by @Amer
Mid Rank: Khali by @Little Baby Bean
Mid Rank: Hawk by @Silkie Princess
Mid Rank: Tree by @Silkie Princess
Mid Rank: Kane by @fangthehunter

Lower Mid Rank: Tawny by @Butterscotchbitesfinger
Lower Mid Rank: Athena by @EmmaRainboe

Alpha Pup: Owen by @Lacy Duckwing
Alpha Pup: Kane by @Anime2lover
Alpha Pup:
Tess by @Little Baby Bean
Alpha Pup:
Brynn by @JustBabyMargo
Alpha Pup: Natanya by @Anime2lover
Alpha Pup: Tayuga by @Willowhisp

Omega: Orchid by @Willowhisp

Truman Pack:

Alpha Male:
Hunter by @Lacy Duckwing
Alpha Female: Miya by @RoosterWhisperer

Beta Male: Jax by @JustBabyMargo
Beta Female: Korrin by @Anime2lover

Mid Rank: Timmy by @Lacy Duckwing
Mid Rank: Hazel by @JustBabyMargo

Lower Mid Rank: Milly by @Anime2lover

Alpha Pup: Taiyo by @RoosterWhisperer
Alpha Pup: Myranda by @Lacy Duckwing
Alpha Pup: Vivienne by @Lacy Duckwing
Alpha Pup: Nina by @Anime2lover
Alpha Pup: Wilvona by @Butterscotchbitesfinger

Pup: Kenai by @Anime2lover
Pup: Becky by @Lacy Duckwing

Pup: Aspen by @JustBabyMargo
Pup: Cody by @Lacy Duckwing


Uhtred by @Willowhisp
Loner: Fang by @fangthehunter
Loner: Ted by @Lacy Duckwing
Loner: Chicxulub by @NC_Quail
Loner: Silverfoot by @Silverwulfess
Loner: Lonestar by @the_peanut_coop
Loner: Din by @Barred Rock Mama
Loner: Brina by @hoppingchicks
Loner: Arya by @Anime2lover
Loner: Fiona by @CrazyCochin


Vishnu by @Willowhisp (Dead)

Vulture: Vito by @JustBabyMargo

Peregrine Falcon: Thunder by @RoosterWhisperer

Coyote: Macaw by @Lacy Duckwing

Bald Eagle: Kalua by @Anime2lover

Bat: Dreki by @Willowhisp (Gone)

Goose: Gussie by @CrazyCochin (Character dropped out)

Genet: Chandi by @Willowhisp

Dog: Shira by @Crestcrazy2

Dog: Winter by @Blue Raptor

The Antler Mountains ~A Wolf RP~ Truman Pack and Non-Wolf Characters

Truman Pack:
Truman Pack is a Pack that began after this RP started. It began after Blazer, a Loner, took over Sayuki Pack. Hunter and Miya, Sayuki Pack's old Alphas, started a new Pack, and Truman Pack is it. All the wolves that are in Truman Pack were originally from either other Packs or were once Loners.


Alpha Male: Hunter by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Hunter
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years old
Mate: Miya
Pack: Sayuki Pack
Personality: Kind, and respectful. Very caring to his packmates, and wants to see everyone get a chance. Though he's allowed to eat first, he sometimes will let a lower-ranking wolf eat first. He sometimes will accidentally submit to a lower-ranking wolf.
Rank: Alpha
Physical Description: Shockingly small for an Alpha. Picture (I drew it) below of his markings. Very white paws.

Other: Hunter was originally the Omega of the Sayuki Pack due to his small size. The previous Alpha was very mean and ruthless. One day, Hunter saw the previous Alpha bullying another Pack mate, and decided he had seen enough, so he attacked the previous Alpha. Hunter won the fight, and chased the old Alpha away from the pack, banishing him. Some pack members are mad about Hunter being the new Alpha, whereas others are overjoyed to have a kind Alpha now.

Alpha Female: Miya by @RoosterWhisperer
Name: Miya
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years old
Mate: Hunter
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: She has a magnificent figure, she is also playful and caring. She loves her pack mates very much, but is not afraid to stand up to wolves she does not like very much.
Rank: Alpha female
Physical Description: White, gold and red fur, with some color on her back as well. Blue eyes.
Other: Here is her picture.
Screenshot 2021-09-01 6.46.10 PM.png


Beta Male: Jax by @JustBabyMargo
Name: Jax (short for Jaxon)
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Mate: Korrin (soon)
Pack: Loner
Personality: To be played out
Rank: Loner
Physical Description: On the big side. His fur is almost the same as Hazel's but is lighter in color. He has dark brown eyes. He has three large scar lines that go from above his right eye and all the way down under his eye.

Other: He is Hazel's brother that left as a pup. He tried to return but was being followed by another predator, so he had to leave her. His scar is from that predator.

Beta Female: Korrin by @Anime2lover
Name: korrin
Gender: female
Age: 2 yr
Mate: none, he died
Pack: loner
Personality: korrin is a fiesty protective female who's daring and a bit hot headed. She loves her family and friends and would do anything to protect them. She loves caring for pups and was the go to wolf in her former pack to bring pups to if they needed pup sitting.
Rank: loner
Physical Description: she is a coppery brown with with golden eyes and a light tan belly and tail tip
Other: korrin was born in a pack that's months of travel away from tashiro, and sayuki. She was born and raised on flat lands. When she was a yr old, she met a young handsome loner, whom she became really close to. But her pack wasn't accepting to loners so it had to be kept secret. Shortly before they became mates, her pack found out. They banned her from seeing him. But she kept disobeying because she wanted to be with him. So they kicked her out, to be a loner. She traveled with him after that, then they found a place to settle down and raise their unborn pups. But during one hunt, her mate was kicked off a cliff into a raging river below, by the deer they were hunting. She hasn't seen him since then.

Mid Rank:

Mid Rank: Timmy by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Timmy
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years old
Mate: None
Pack: Tashiro Pack
Personality: Untrustworthy, though he'll promise to be the safest, most trustworthy wolf of the whole mountain range. He seeks a higher rank, but Hato won't let him be any higher than a Mid Ranker. Cunning, always with a plan, even if it's a trick. Aggressive, especially to those in lower rank. Unsubmissive. Often will purposely walk on Hato's blind side to tease him. Being the Alpha's brother, he gets away with way too much.
Rank: Upper Mid Rank
Physical Description: Looks just like his brother, Hato, except for all his fur, that is a shiny silver, that shines in the sun, or moonlight. He has silvery-blue eyes. He has something wrong with his left eye, too, being a little blind in that eye, but can still see a little with it. He tries to hide that fact about himself, and gets offended should anyone bring it up.
Other: Hato's brother.

Mid Rank: Hazel by @JustBabyMargo
Name: Hazel
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Mate: Timmy (soon🤪)
Pack: Loner (soon to be in the Tashiro pack)
Personality: Sweet, kind and honest. Sometimes tries to act cool to impress Timmy and others.
Rank: Loner (for now)
Physical Description: Larger and quite muscular. Brown fur with copper leakage. Brown eyes that sometimes appear gold.

Other: Had a brother but lost him.

Lower Mid Rank: Milly by @Anime2lover
Name: Milly
Gender: female
Age: 2yr
Mate: none
Pack: sayuki
Perso: Milly tends to keep a low profile. She's jumpy and not the best fighter. She likes to just laze around and watch pups playing. She is more of a gentle wolf and knows a thing or two about the care of injuries. She likes to collect herbs for that reason.
Rank: omega
Description: she is small and grey with a black muzzle and ear tips.
Other: her mom had extensive knowledge of herbs and was seen as a healer among the loners until she joined the pack. Her mom taught her as much as she could about herbs before the female was killed in a fight. She never really got to know her father because he was a loner that died of an injury caused by another wolf.


Hunter and Miya's Pups (Alphas):

Alpha Pup: Taiyo by @RoosterWhisperer
Name: Taiyo
Gender: male
Age: pup
Mate: none
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Sweet and playful, as well as very loyal to his parents and siblings and loves them very much, would also make a great leader someday. :) He would do anything for his family.
Rank: pup
Physical Description: Gold and white, with some darker red highlights. Blue eyes and a dark snout.

Other: Son of Miya and Hunter, Sayuki's alphas. His name is also Japanese which means sun. He really loves his sisters.

Alpha Pup: Myranda by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Myranda
Gender: Female
Age: Pup
Mate: None; she's a pup.
Pack: Sayuki Pack
Personality: Caring, and loves the pack that she was born into. Tries to stay out of trouble, though trouble sometimes finds her. Likes to make certain that her siblings are always ok.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Is built like her mother Miya, but her fur matches her father's, but much darker. See Hunter and Miya's form in The Antler Mountains ~A Wolf RP~ Archives to get a better idea. ;)
Other: The Alphas' Hunter and Miya's pup.

Alpha Pup: Vivienne by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Vivienne
Gender: Female
Age: Pup
Mate: None; she's a pup.
Pack: Sayuki Pack
Personality: Easily spooked at times, with anxiety. Likes to stick close to her mother, Miya. Quiet most of the time.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: All white and is built like her father Hunter.
Other: The Alphas' Hunter and Miya's pup.

Alpha Pup: Nina by @Anime2lover
Name: nina
Gender: female
Age: newborn??
Mate: none
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: spunky, playful, and hyper. Loves to run and jump and pounce. Will be a natural tracker, and quite speedy.
Rank: pup
Physical Description: like her dad but with her mother's coloring. Except with faded blue eyes
Other: born blind

Alpha Pup: Wilvona by @Butterscotchbitesfinger
Name: Wilvona
Gender: F
Age: newborn
Mate: NA
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: she is fiercely independent and a strong girl, she fights pretty often with her siblings but it doesn’t take away from the fact she adores them. She is quite intelligent and a good little hunter, she is also feisty and fierce.
Rank: pup
Physical Description: she is almost a spitting image of her mother Miya. She just isn’t as well built, she is fine boned but this allows her to be more nimble. She would never win a fight due to her being too frail and fine boned but she is fast.
Other: she is the alpha’s pups.

Korrin's Pups:

Pup: Kenai by @Anime2lover
Name: kenai
Gender: male
Age: 3 weeks
Mate: none
Pack: loner
Personality: kenai is a playful and hyper pup whom loves nothing more then to have fun. He's creative, and a bit of a joker.
Rank: loner
Physical Description: like his mom korrin, but with blue eyes and a black belly.
Other: doesn't know his dad, mom is korrin.

Pup: Becky by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Becky
Gender: Female
Age: Pup
Mate: None; she's a pup.
Pack: None
Personality: Energetic, athletic, and hyper. She can be cunning, a fierce fighter when needed to be, and a great escaper. Has what it takes to be a leader, even if she doesn't see it.
Rank: Loner (Replacing Blazer. :p )
Physical Description: Tanish fur with black and gray mixed in. Has some white underparts.
Other: One of Korrin's (by @Anime2lover) pups.

Timmy and Hazel's Pups:

Pup: Aspen by @JustBabyMargo
Name: Aspen
Gender: Female
Age: Pup
Mate: None
Pack: Truman
Personality: To be played out
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Small and adorable. Mostly brown fur, but has some gray in it too.

Other: Timmy and Hazel’s pup

Pup: Cody by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Cody
Gender: Male
Age: Pup
Mate: None; he's a pup
Pack: Truman Pack
Personality: Athletic. Cunning like his father. Daring.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Built like his father, Timmy, but with the size of his mother, Hazel. Blue eyed. White stocking paws. He has a lot of black fur in his face, with black fur in his tail and mixed on his underside. The rest of his fur is dark gray like his uncle Hato's fur.
Other: Timmy and Hazel's pup



List of Non-Wolf Characters:

Fox: Vishnu by @Willowhisp (Vishnu ended up dying in the forest fire.)
Name: Vishnu
Gender: Male
Age: 1
Mate: N/A
Pack: N/A
Personality: Sly and crafty but smart and loyal. Rest to be played
Rank: N/A
Physical Description: A melanistic red fox with bright blue eyes
Other: He was abandoned as a kit and raised by wolves.

Vulture: Vito by @JustBabyMargo
Name: Vito
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Mate: None
Pack: None
Personality: Sweet to Hazel (because they are each others’ protectors) but otherwise cranky.
Rank: None
Physical Description: Red face, hunched stance, shaggy black feathers, almost greasy looking.
Other: He is a vulture. He was chosen as Hazel’s protector by her brother. He finds food for Hazel because she hates killing things.

Peregrine Falcon: Thunder by @RoosterWhisperer
Name: Thunder
Gender: Male
Age: 5 years old
Mate: None
Pack: None
Personality: Kind and full of passion, very brave and loyal as well as a good friend. He's also an expert hunter, and flyer.
Rank: None
Physical Description: He's a black and white peregrine falcon with a black and yellow beak. Dark brown eyes with a bright yellow ring around them.
Other: He's a pergrine falcon! Is that okay?

Coyote: Macaw by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Macaw
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years old
Mate: None
Pack: None; is a lone Coyote
Personality: Crazy. Strange. Likes to hang around wolves, but will steal food from them should he get a sneaky chance. Can be annoying at times, especially with his not walking but jumping.
Rank: Coyote
Physical Description: A Coyote. Yellow fur with brown eyes. Has several strange scars on him that black fur is growing out of making them obvious. Usually jumps around more like a rabbit instead of actually walking, thus rarely ever walking like he should. Due to him always jumping around instead of walking, he can jump shockingly high when he wants to. Might create things for his own personal use.
Other: Coyote, not a wolf. Macaw isn't originally from the Antler Mountains, but from someplace else that is far away. When he was young, a terrible storm wipped his whole Coyote pack. He, himself barely survived. He was severely injured from the storm, but did his best to survive, though he ended up healing wrong, hence the not walking, but jumping instead. Humans ended up finding him, and rescued him. They took care of him and helped him heal correctly. After he had healed, the humans ended up releasing him into the Antler Mountains.

Bald Eagle: Kalua by @Anime2lover
Name: kalua
Gender: female
Age: 1 1/2 yr
Mate: none
Pack: none, though she likes to hang out with jin
Personality: she is frisky and confident. She loves to mess with the other wolves, but not in a mean way.
Rank: none
Physical Description: she is a large bald eagle with sleek black wings and the typical bright white head.
Other: jin found her starving when she was still just an inexperienced huntress and helped her to regain her strength. She decided to stay nearby to help now and then to repay him.

Bat: Dreki by @Willowhisp (Dreki replaced Vishnu.)
Name: Dreki
Gender: Male
Age: 4 (but they can live up to 23 years)
Mate: n/a
Pack: n/a
Personality: kinda aloof and, well "batty" but actually super intelligent. Overly friendly sometimes and overly shy others. is entirely too comfortable around wolves, no one knows why
Rank: n/a
Physical Description: a golden crowned flying fox. The largest bat species in the wold. He has a wingspan of 5'5" and weighs about 2lbs. His eyes are a deep greenish gold and his gold borders on red. the black in his fur is deeper than the night sky.
Other: He is not from around these mountains, he was the result of poaching and was raised by humans that found him. They released him about 2 years back.

Goose: Gussie by @CrazyCochin (Character dropped out)
Name: Gussie
Gender: Young gander
Age: 3 weeks old
Mate: None, and won't be.
Pack: No pack, he was taken in by Hoshi of Sayuki.
Personality: Will be played out.
Rank: None, he's a goose :p
Physical Description: A light downy yellow with light brown patches.
Other: (He is a Goose!) He lost his family somehow in the great Antler hills fire and was taken in by Hoshi.

Genet: Chandi by @Willowhisp (Chandi replaces Dreki.)
Name: Chandi
Gender: Male
Age: not yet determined
Mate: n/a
Pack: soon to be Tashiro
Personality: highly energetic but also very shy and creative. very fox and catlike but has wolf-like tendencies seeing as he's best friends with a wolf
Rank: n/a
Physical Description: He is a species of Genet known as the pardine Genet. They are a small, cat/fox-like mammal that typically live in Africa. He is here because someone's pet Genet had babies and a few got out ;). He is silverish in color and has black spots all over his body. He has shortish legs and an average catlike body. As all Genets do, he possesses an extremely long tail. He has green eyes.
Other: he has not been brought in as a character yet and won't be until Tayuga is old enough to walk ;). And when Dreki has been taken care of of course *evil laughter*

Dog: Shira by @Crestcrazy2
Name: Shira
Gender: female
Age: 5 human years.
Mate: None as of yet.
Pack: Loner, no pack yet.
Personality: Fierce and Brave, used to being in tough and life threatening situations, though never like this. She is loyal and friendly but only to those she was raised by or trusts.
Rank: none as of yet.
Physical description: Tan Sable German shepherd, large ears and striking yellow eyes. A good size for a female, used to be very strong.
Backstory: raised and trained as a K-9 cadaver dog, she was taken into the mountains to search for a missing person from a cold case, her and her human got lost, eventually triggering a rockslide in which her partner was swept off a cliff. She was so lost for so long that the police force gave up hope of her being alive even after they found the body of her partner, they assumed she was dead. Lost in the mountains for months and trying to avoid the wolves has taken its toll on her, she’s now skinnier then ever, weak and almost dead. Wandering the land aimlessly.

Dog: Winter by @Blue Raptor
Name: Winter
Gender: Male
Age: 5 (human yrs)
Mate: None
Pack: Loner
Personality: Winter was fond of his trainer, who’d take him hunting in the Fall every year. He’s managed decently by himself so far, but still isn’t accustomed to being alone.
Rank: None
Physical Description: A Jakoba German Shepherd. He’s fought most wolves he’s come by, so he does have a measure of scars.
Other: He used to train alongside another German, but they got lost- then seperated.
About author
Lacy Duckwing
Since 2011 I have been raising, breeding and hatching, loving, studying, and even learning from chickens- Standard and Bantam, though mostly Standard. I also enjoy studying the wild Swedish/Mallard ducks of Moosehead Lake, Maine, every summer. I do photography of chickens, ducks, and gulls, along with other birds, and sometimes scenery and people. I also enjoy writing. I currently live in a small town in Maine with a mixed flock of chickens.

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Thanks for making it! If I forget something about a character, I cam just come back here.

No offense, but don’t you need to update King And Hilina’s form?
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Lacy Duckwing
Lacy Duckwing
Thank you. It's updated.


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