The Antler Mountains ~A Wolf RP~ Truman Pack and Non-Wolf Characters

Truman Pack:
Truman Pack is a Pack that began after this RP started. It began after Blazer, a Loner, took over Sayuki Pack. Hunter and Miya, Sayuki Pack's old Alphas, started a new Pack, and Truman Pack is it. All the wolves that are in Truman Pack were originally from either other Packs or were once Loners.


Alpha Male: Hunter by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Hunter
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years old
Mate: Miya
Pack: Sayuki Pack
Personality: Kind, and respectful. Very caring to his packmates, and wants to see everyone get a chance. Though he's allowed to eat first, he sometimes will let a lower-ranking wolf eat first. He sometimes will accidentally submit to a lower-ranking wolf.
Rank: Alpha
Physical Description: Shockingly small for an Alpha. Picture (I drew it) below of his markings. Very white paws.

Other: Hunter was originally the Omega of the Sayuki Pack due to his small size. The previous Alpha was very mean and ruthless. One day, Hunter saw the previous Alpha bullying another Pack mate, and decided he had seen enough, so he attacked the previous Alpha. Hunter won the fight, and chased the old Alpha away from the pack, banishing him. Some pack members are mad about Hunter being the new Alpha, whereas others are overjoyed to have a kind Alpha now.

Alpha Female: Miya by @RoosterWhisperer
Name: Miya
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years old
Mate: Hunter
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: She has a magnificent figure, she is also playful and caring. She loves her pack mates very much, but is not afraid to stand up to wolves she does not like very much.
Rank: Alpha female
Physical Description: White, gold and red fur, with some color on her back as well. Blue eyes.
Other: Here is her picture.
Screenshot 2021-09-01 6.46.10 PM.png


Beta Male: Jax by @JustBabyMargo
Name: Jax (short for Jaxon)
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Mate: Korrin (soon)
Pack: Loner
Personality: To be played out
Rank: Loner
Physical Description: On the big side. His fur is almost the same as Hazel's but is lighter in color. He has dark brown eyes. He has three large scar lines that go from above his right eye and all the way down under his eye.

Other: He is Hazel's brother that left as a pup. He tried to return but was being followed by another predator, so he had to leave her. His scar is from that predator.

Beta Female: Korrin by @Anime2lover
Name: korrin
Gender: female
Age: 2 yr
Mate: none, he died
Pack: loner
Personality: korrin is a fiesty protective female who's daring and a bit hot headed. She loves her family and friends and would do anything to protect them. She loves caring for pups and was the go to wolf in her former pack to bring pups to if they needed pup sitting.
Rank: loner
Physical Description: she is a coppery brown with with golden eyes and a light tan belly and tail tip
Other: korrin was born in a pack that's months of travel away from tashiro, and sayuki. She was born and raised on flat lands. When she was a yr old, she met a young handsome loner, whom she became really close to. But her pack wasn't accepting to loners so it had to be kept secret. Shortly before they became mates, her pack found out. They banned her from seeing him. But she kept disobeying because she wanted to be with him. So they kicked her out, to be a loner. She traveled with him after that, then they found a place to settle down and raise their unborn pups. But during one hunt, her mate was kicked off a cliff into a raging river below, by the deer they were hunting. She hasn't seen him since then.

Mid Rank:

Mid Rank: Timmy by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Timmy
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years old
Mate: None
Pack: Tashiro Pack
Personality: Untrustworthy, though he'll promise to be the safest, most trustworthy wolf of the whole mountain range. He seeks a higher rank, but Hato won't let him be any higher than a Mid Ranker. Cunning, always with a plan, even if it's a trick. Aggressive, especially to those in lower rank. Unsubmissive. Often will purposely walk on Hato's blind side to tease him. Being the Alpha's brother, he gets away with way too much.
Rank: Upper Mid Rank
Physical Description: Looks just like his brother, Hato, except for all his fur, that is a shiny silver, that shines in the sun, or moonlight. He has silvery-blue eyes. He has something wrong with his left eye, too, being a little blind in that eye, but can still see a little with it. He tries to hide that fact about himself, and gets offended should anyone bring it up.
Other: Hato's brother.

Mid Rank: Hazel by @JustBabyMargo
Name: Hazel
Gender: Female
Age: 2
Mate: Timmy (soon🤪)
Pack: Loner (soon to be in the Tashiro pack)
Personality: Sweet, kind and honest. Sometimes tries to act cool to impress Timmy and others.
Rank: Loner (for now)
Physical Description: Larger and quite muscular. Brown fur with copper leakage. Brown eyes that sometimes appear gold.

Other: Had a brother but lost him.

Lower Mid Rank: Milly by @Anime2lover
Name: Milly
Gender: female
Age: 2yr
Mate: none
Pack: sayuki
Perso: Milly tends to keep a low profile. She's jumpy and not the best fighter. She likes to just laze around and watch pups playing. She is more of a gentle wolf and knows a thing or two about the care of injuries. She likes to collect herbs for that reason.
Rank: omega
Description: she is small and grey with a black muzzle and ear tips.
Other: her mom had extensive knowledge of herbs and was seen as a healer among the loners until she joined the pack. Her mom taught her as much as she could about herbs before the female was killed in a fight. She never really got to know her father because he was a loner that died of an injury caused by another wolf.


Hunter and Miya's Pups (Alphas):

Alpha Pup: Taiyo by @RoosterWhisperer
Name: Taiyo
Gender: male
Age: pup
Mate: none
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: Sweet and playful, as well as very loyal to his parents and siblings and loves them very much, would also make a great leader someday. :) He would do anything for his family.
Rank: pup
Physical Description: Gold and white, with some darker red highlights. Blue eyes and a dark snout.

Other: Son of Miya and Hunter, Sayuki's alphas. His name is also Japanese which means sun. He really loves his sisters.

Alpha Pup: Myranda by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Myranda
Gender: Female
Age: Pup
Mate: None; she's a pup.
Pack: Sayuki Pack
Personality: Caring, and loves the pack that she was born into. Tries to stay out of trouble, though trouble sometimes finds her. Likes to make certain that her siblings are always ok.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Is built like her mother Miya, but her fur matches her father's, but much darker. See Hunter and Miya's form in The Antler Mountains ~A Wolf RP~ Archives to get a better idea. ;)
Other: The Alphas' Hunter and Miya's pup.

Alpha Pup: Vivienne by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Vivienne
Gender: Female
Age: Pup
Mate: None; she's a pup.
Pack: Sayuki Pack
Personality: Easily spooked at times, with anxiety. Likes to stick close to her mother, Miya. Quiet most of the time.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: All white and is built like her father Hunter.
Other: The Alphas' Hunter and Miya's pup.

Alpha Pup: Nina by @Anime2lover
Name: nina
Gender: female
Age: newborn??
Mate: none
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: spunky, playful, and hyper. Loves to run and jump and pounce. Will be a natural tracker, and quite speedy.
Rank: pup
Physical Description: like her dad but with her mother's coloring. Except with faded blue eyes
Other: born blind

Alpha Pup: Wilvona by @Butterscotchbitesfinger
Name: Wilvona
Gender: F
Age: newborn
Mate: NA
Pack: Sayuki
Personality: she is fiercely independent and a strong girl, she fights pretty often with her siblings but it doesn’t take away from the fact she adores them. She is quite intelligent and a good little hunter, she is also feisty and fierce.
Rank: pup
Physical Description: she is almost a spitting image of her mother Miya. She just isn’t as well built, she is fine boned but this allows her to be more nimble. She would never win a fight due to her being too frail and fine boned but she is fast.
Other: she is the alpha’s pups.

Korrin's Pups:

Pup: Kenai by @Anime2lover
Name: kenai
Gender: male
Age: 3 weeks
Mate: none
Pack: loner
Personality: kenai is a playful and hyper pup whom loves nothing more then to have fun. He's creative, and a bit of a joker.
Rank: loner
Physical Description: like his mom korrin, but with blue eyes and a black belly.
Other: doesn't know his dad, mom is korrin.

Pup: Becky by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Becky
Gender: Female
Age: Pup
Mate: None; she's a pup.
Pack: None
Personality: Energetic, athletic, and hyper. She can be cunning, a fierce fighter when needed to be, and a great escaper. Has what it takes to be a leader, even if she doesn't see it.
Rank: Loner (Replacing Blazer. :p )
Physical Description: Tanish fur with black and gray mixed in. Has some white underparts.
Other: One of Korrin's (by @Anime2lover) pups.

Timmy and Hazel's Pups:

Pup: Aspen by @JustBabyMargo
Name: Aspen
Gender: Female
Age: Pup
Mate: None
Pack: Truman
Personality: To be played out
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Small and adorable. Mostly brown fur, but has some gray in it too.

Other: Timmy and Hazel’s pup

Pup: Cody by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Cody
Gender: Male
Age: Pup
Mate: None; he's a pup
Pack: Truman Pack
Personality: Athletic. Cunning like his father. Daring.
Rank: Pup
Physical Description: Built like his father, Timmy, but with the size of his mother, Hazel. Blue eyed. White stocking paws. He has a lot of black fur in his face, with black fur in his tail and mixed on his underside. The rest of his fur is dark gray like his uncle Hato's fur.
Other: Timmy and Hazel's pup



List of Non-Wolf Characters:

Fox: Vishnu by @Willowhisp (Vishnu ended up dying in the forest fire.)
Name: Vishnu
Gender: Male
Age: 1
Mate: N/A
Pack: N/A
Personality: Sly and crafty but smart and loyal. Rest to be played
Rank: N/A
Physical Description: A melanistic red fox with bright blue eyes
Other: He was abandoned as a kit and raised by wolves.

Vulture: Vito by @JustBabyMargo
Name: Vito
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Mate: None
Pack: None
Personality: Sweet to Hazel (because they are each others’ protectors) but otherwise cranky.
Rank: None
Physical Description: Red face, hunched stance, shaggy black feathers, almost greasy looking.
Other: He is a vulture. He was chosen as Hazel’s protector by her brother. He finds food for Hazel because she hates killing things.

Peregrine Falcon: Thunder by @RoosterWhisperer
Name: Thunder
Gender: Male
Age: 5 years old
Mate: None
Pack: None
Personality: Kind and full of passion, very brave and loyal as well as a good friend. He's also an expert hunter, and flyer.
Rank: None
Physical Description: He's a black and white peregrine falcon with a black and yellow beak. Dark brown eyes with a bright yellow ring around them.
Other: He's a pergrine falcon! Is that okay?

Coyote: Macaw by @Lacy Duckwing
Name: Macaw
Gender: Male
Age: 3 years old
Mate: None
Pack: None; is a lone Coyote
Personality: Crazy. Strange. Likes to hang around wolves, but will steal food from them should he get a sneaky chance. Can be annoying at times, especially with his not walking but jumping.
Rank: Coyote
Physical Description: A Coyote. Yellow fur with brown eyes. Has several strange scars on him that black fur is growing out of making them obvious. Usually jumps around more like a rabbit instead of actually walking, thus rarely ever walking like he should. Due to him always jumping around instead of walking, he can jump shockingly high when he wants to. Might create things for his own personal use.
Other: Coyote, not a wolf. Macaw isn't originally from the Antler Mountains, but from someplace else that is far away. When he was young, a terrible storm wipped his whole Coyote pack. He, himself barely survived. He was severely injured from the storm, but did his best to survive, though he ended up healing wrong, hence the not walking, but jumping instead. Humans ended up finding him, and rescued him. They took care of him and helped him heal correctly. After he had healed, the humans ended up releasing him into the Antler Mountains.

Bald Eagle: Kalua by @Anime2lover
Name: kalua
Gender: female
Age: 1 1/2 yr
Mate: none
Pack: none, though she likes to hang out with jin
Personality: she is frisky and confident. She loves to mess with the other wolves, but not in a mean way.
Rank: none
Physical Description: she is a large bald eagle with sleek black wings and the typical bright white head.
Other: jin found her starving when she was still just an inexperienced huntress and helped her to regain her strength. She decided to stay nearby to help now and then to repay him.

Bat: Dreki by @Willowhisp (Dreki replaced Vishnu.)
Name: Dreki
Gender: Male
Age: 4 (but they can live up to 23 years)
Mate: n/a
Pack: n/a
Personality: kinda aloof and, well "batty" but actually super intelligent. Overly friendly sometimes and overly shy others. is entirely too comfortable around wolves, no one knows why
Rank: n/a
Physical Description: a golden crowned flying fox. The largest bat species in the wold. He has a wingspan of 5'5" and weighs about 2lbs. His eyes are a deep greenish gold and his gold borders on red. the black in his fur is deeper than the night sky.
Other: He is not from around these mountains, he was the result of poaching and was raised by humans that found him. They released him about 2 years back.

Goose: Gussie by @CrazyCochin (Character dropped out)
Name: Gussie
Gender: Young gander
Age: 3 weeks old
Mate: None, and won't be.
Pack: No pack, he was taken in by Hoshi of Sayuki.
Personality: Will be played out.
Rank: None, he's a goose :p
Physical Description: A light downy yellow with light brown patches.
Other: (He is a Goose!) He lost his family somehow in the great Antler hills fire and was taken in by Hoshi.

Genet: Chandi by @Willowhisp (Chandi replaces Dreki.)
Name: Chandi
Gender: Male
Age: not yet determined
Mate: n/a
Pack: soon to be Tashiro
Personality: highly energetic but also very shy and creative. very fox and catlike but has wolf-like tendencies seeing as he's best friends with a wolf
Rank: n/a
Physical Description: He is a species of Genet known as the pardine Genet. They are a small, cat/fox-like mammal that typically live in Africa. He is here because someone's pet Genet had babies and a few got out ;). He is silverish in color and has black spots all over his body. He has shortish legs and an average catlike body. As all Genets do, he possesses an extremely long tail. He has green eyes.
Other: he has not been brought in as a character yet and won't be until Tayuga is old enough to walk ;). And when Dreki has been taken care of of course *evil laughter*

Dog: Shira by @Crestcrazy2
Name: Shira
Gender: female
Age: 5 human years.
Mate: None as of yet.
Pack: Loner, no pack yet.
Personality: Fierce and Brave, used to being in tough and life threatening situations, though never like this. She is loyal and friendly but only to those she was raised by or trusts.
Rank: none as of yet.
Physical description: Tan Sable German shepherd, large ears and striking yellow eyes. A good size for a female, used to be very strong.
Backstory: raised and trained as a K-9 cadaver dog, she was taken into the mountains to search for a missing person from a cold case, her and her human got lost, eventually triggering a rockslide in which her partner was swept off a cliff. She was so lost for so long that the police force gave up hope of her being alive even after they found the body of her partner, they assumed she was dead. Lost in the mountains for months and trying to avoid the wolves has taken its toll on her, she’s now skinnier then ever, weak and almost dead. Wandering the land aimlessly.

Dog: Winter by @Blue Raptor
Name: Winter
Gender: Male
Age: 5 (human yrs)
Mate: None
Pack: Loner
Personality: Winter was fond of his trainer, who’d take him hunting in the Fall every year. He’s managed decently by himself so far, but still isn’t accustomed to being alone.
Rank: None
Physical Description: A Jakoba German Shepherd. He’s fought most wolves he’s come by, so he does have a measure of scars.
Other: He used to train alongside another German, but they got lost- then seperated.