Help Stop the Manual Molt!!!


Head Rooster Jouster
13 Years
Aug 28, 2008
Jackson Hole
I have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at this one, and wonder if I'm missing something... I have a Columbian Wyandotte roo and hen, and a Jersey Giant hen who have become pathological pickers. It started a little last summer, and I responded by giving away the worst offender, and lost two CW hens to a fox around the same time. The three remaining are wretched looking - the latest casualty is the Jersey Giant... who now looks pre-plucked. The CW hen picks and EATS the feathers. I would like to solve this rather than simply cull if at all possible, because the farmer in me has been brushed aside for my fondness of the two hens - plus, baldness considered, it's a rare day when I don't have 2 eggs!
Here's the rundown of stats so far: I live high in the rockies, so it's very cold - some days they can't get out, but the henhouse has tons of space, two windows, heat, 2 perches, lots of clean water with mineral supplements, hen scratch and pellets, every two or three days I feed them bread/crackers with cat food, table scraps, greens, veggies, and a vitamin supplement that includes high amounts of B vitamins; I have tried Rooster Booster Pick No More applied, Anti Pick spray strong enough to be used for self defense in any inner city, and red heat light on a timer (on at 6:30 off at 9:30).
I'm looking forward to getting chicks in a month, and would like to solve this before the time comes later in the summer to merge the flocks.
I don't want to clip their beaks, but have heard of a butterfly like device for their beaks so they can't see straight forward, but can see down to eat and drink, but I haven't run across information about them. Has anyone heard of this?
Am I missing something? Does anyone have a suggestion?
Sorry about what's happening...extremely frustrating, I know. I have read here that eating feathers can be an indication that they aren't getting enough protein so I would suggest you give them some chick starter or game starter which has higher protein than layer feed. I googled chicken blinders and here's one website that came up. There were lots more. Good luck!

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