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In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 10, 2007
Ingersoll, ON Canada
Hi Everyone!
I can just spend hours going through endless pages of posts to see whats up and going on...when I got my first girls earlier this year in June, you all made me think my inexperience wouldn't lead to their deaths...sure as rain, we all learned a lot and we are fantastic..hubby has even informed me that we're bringing the girls in for the winter...even though we fully insulated and prepared to leave them out for the winter...anyways, I do notice one missing component that would really help alot...a search button...I have spent a couple hours tonight searching for a post that might tell me if my girls feet are normal, or if they need would be fantastic if you could search a word to help you find relevant the site and will always come back for more.
If you look in the blue heading stripe at the top of the page it reads "Index, User List, Rules, Search, Profile, My Page, Logout, and Recent Posts"

The search function will let you look for certain words
den10hens is correct, we have a search feature and it is very powerful.

One of the more powerful features of the search is how to use wildcards. These wildcards make search VERY powerful on a forum, especially one with as many posts as we have here.

"Using an asterisk at the end of your search term will find many variations of the term you seek.

Example: Find information on children, child, childs, etc.

Search: child*"

You can also use other "Boolean" search codes like AND, OR, NOT.

Check out this site for more info, look specifically at the section called "Boolean Operators": … rSearching

Learn how to use the asterix and the AND OR NOT and you'll be able to find pretty much anything you are looking for.

Oh, here is another link that may help:

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