GLW & suspicious minds - updated pix 9.5 weeks


11 Years
Jan 10, 2010
Vacationland, Maine
This chicken is 3.5 weeks old. S/he has been on my roo-dar since week 2. This is the only GLW I purchased so none for comparison, although I have a SLW. This chicken started feathering out at a much slower rate than most of my other birds. The wings and tail were both very far behind most of my other chicks that grew like weeds. Yesterday I noticed what looks like little red wattles starting. This chicken was sexed as a girl, although I know they are only about 90% accurate. Please tell me it's WAAAY too early to tell and that this chicken *might* turn out to be a hen! Thanks for playing!


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I have a 7 week old SLW that looks like your photo and discovered it has waddles showing up. Have a 2nd SLW that looks like your photo but does not have waddles. These were vent sexed birds from the hatchery...the fellow at the feed store just says 'ya just gotta expect a roo now and then'. Well, darn 2 out of 5 might be roo's when I bought pullets, not straight run!
Boo-Boo's Mama :

I have a 7 week old SLW that looks like your photo and discovered it has waddles showing up. Have a 2nd SLW that looks like your photo but does not have waddles. These were vent sexed birds from the hatchery...the fellow at the feed store just says 'ya just gotta expect a roo now and then'. Well, darn 2 out of 5 might be roo's when I bought pullets, not straight run!

Yeah I got 3 out of 5 ROOS from the PULLETS bin! AND Im 2 for 2 Roos from straight run bin... I must have TERRIBLE luck!
Thankfully I can have as many roos as I want....​
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