Black Copper Marans... 1 Roo and 1 Pullet?


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
Below is a pic of both of them 1 week ago (they were about 4 weeks old)... I'm pretty sure I have 1 girl (on left) and 1 boy (on right)?
This is my first time with this breed so I would LOVE to hear what others have to say.
Thank you!
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Here are more pics of the one I think is a boy (5weeks old), I took these today...
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more pics of the one I think is a girl (5weeks old), I took these today...
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It certainly looks like a boy and girl to me. This is my first time raising chicks, and I only have one black copper maran. It is a very nice-looking chick, - like a little penguin. I enjoyed your photos, as it is interesting to see how much they change over time. I sure do hope I got a pullet!
I've been taking weekly pics of these chickies so we have a "record" of what they looked like... goodness knows, I won't remember next Spring when I'm trying to figure out what I have again
so I'm hoping the pics will help. I'm really enjoying these chicks - little penguins is right!
Most of my chicks, I have no idea who is who, - they all have varying chipmunk-like patterns. I know there are welsummers, speckled sussex, and dark cornish in the mix, but i lost a few birds and don't know what I lost. At least the maran is distinctive. My DH is taking a daily movie of these chicks! We are very excited about chickens!
buckabucka - I just checked out your chicken coop and yard... that is one sweet chicken house you have there... Wow! You have some happy lucky chickies!

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