Special needs chickens contest



14 Years
Apr 2, 2010
Sullivan, IL
Post pics of your "special" chicken friends! I know there are a few people here with cross beaks, chickens missing toes or wings, etc. so go ahead and show off your unique chickens.

This is buffy, a 9 week old EE w/a cross beak.

She's really grown on me and I'm just hoping she can continue to eat well enough to continue to thrive. Currently she's about 5% smaller than my other two EE and it's really sad to watch her pecking at things in the yard because no matter how hard she tries she just can't pick them up.
Here's my cross beak EE. Unfortunately she passed away this summer - I think my neighbors fed them too many treats and she didn't get enough nutrition. She was easily our most personable chicken - RIP

I want to enter my chickie. Her name is Renee. She is so sweet, as is her sister. I don't know how to upload her pic.
This is Prissy, I rescued her from Horrible conditions last winter. Unfortunately despite my best efforts her feet were so badly damaged from bumblefoot/scaly leg mites/ and frostbite she continues to loose toes. In fact I believe she will loose both feet eventually. She is a frizzle cochin bantam who lives in the house with us and enjoys watching tv on the couch
She now has a buddy another rescue of mine from a few years back who had lost all of her toes too, her name is pumpkin and she is a black tail buff japanese hen. Prissy and pumpkin are best buds.


What her feet looked like when I brought her home

After lots of foot soaks and medication, surgeries as well as foot wraps
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This is Sundance. He/she has a bit of a crossed beak. You can't see it too much in this side-view. Butch (who turned out to be a pullet) helps keep the beak cleaned after Sundance eats. It is so cute to see Sundance run to Butch every time he/she is finished eating and watch Butch remove anything left in the beak!

I have two lovely old ladies who are eight years old, and each is blind in one eye. They can somehow get up onto their roosts at night, but do not have the depth perception to jump off in the mornings. Sooooooo every morning we have to "put the blind girls down" before we can start our day.

One has always been a special needs chicken anyway because she is so whiney and goofy. This is an old picture, but I trim her feathers into a mohawk so she can see better.

The other is my very very very favorite chicken. She also has cancer.


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