Yay! Hatching eggs and tryin' out incubators! (Pic of ducks :) 8th p)

How was hand-hatching for you? It almost makes me feel bad, like I'm trying to play God or something. *ha* But after they come out and they're all fluffy and happy, I feel pretty special to have helped with something so amazing.
They're really balled up in there!

Be sure to keep us updated with pictures!
Hand-hatching was stressful and a little gross, but over all, I know it was worth it

I kinda felt that way too, but then I figured - If I'm so set on dong things the "natural way", why do I have these eggs in an incubator anyways
Thanks, farmer kitty

Here's the latest count

1 traumatized egg, tried to hatch, but I had to help lots. -Died-
2 chicks, one I helped, one I didn't. -Died- (the brooder got way too hot
1 almost-chick, I mostly hand-hatched it -Alive- at least at the last check
1 traumatized egg, tried to hand-hatch it, but it stared bleeding -Alive- but still in the shell

So...... I'm not doing such a great job of this
Stormhorse23, believe me, I wish I didnt have to "help" them hatch at all! I have only stepped in when I knew that they would not have a chance any other way. The first egg I helped had been hatching for 24 Horus and only had a hole the size of one of these smilies. The second one was dried out awfully and stuck to the shell. These last two had made no progress in the last 9 hours.
I'm pretty sure the humidity was to blame for the chicks having trouble hatching - but, technically, that is my fault too

cozycritters, thanks
Okay, the ones listed as:
"1 almost-chick, I mostly hand-hatched it -Alive- at least at the last check
1 traumatized egg, tried to hand-hatch it, but it stared bleeding -Alive- but still in the shell"
are doing great
The one that was "still in the shell' is now out and drying off, and the other one is so poofie and cute! It's running around the 'bator trying to get everybody to come out and play

Their names (assuming they are both girls!)
Katt (named for a cat, because it must have 9 lives!). This little one was in the homemade hatcher that went to 120* then the light bulb died and it went down to 70*!!
Addie named for the fearful and shy Princess Addie in what used to be one of my favorite books, "The Two Princesses of Bamarre "
I now have three little ducklings

The ducks (a pair each of: F&W Indian Runners, Black Cayuga, and Black Swedish) were all living together, so I had assumed that their "children" would be crossbreed..... but, I am thinking that 2 of these ducklings are pure Runner and the other one is pure Cayuga


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