Recent content by 6th_Happiness

  1. 6th_Happiness

    Unique colors and genes

    That's leakage; he isn't producing enough black pigment- so on the longest feathers usually you get leakage of the undercolour, either gold or silver (or buff or red, depending on breed and modifiers). Genetically he is silver (if he was not genetically silver, his 'fringe' would be golden or...
  2. 6th_Happiness

    Aggressive roosters

    it is a combo of both nature and nurture.... more hens and more space will lesson aggression, but some breeds are more prone than others.... i recently took in 2 sumatra roos from an urban byc keeper. besides the crowing, they were fighting. i was clear, if they continued to fight, i'd have...
  3. 6th_Happiness

    Brahma, Plymouth Rock, or Orpington

    sorry, dunno why the duplicates on lastpost... hopefully wont repeat w. this one... we enjoyed our brahmas and orps... both fairly quiet (all chickens make some noise), brahmas are slower to mature, and lay best 2nd yr in our experience.... both are very calm and do well in backyards. Brahmas...
  4. 6th_Happiness

    Need Pictures of Barred Rocks and Easter Eggers!

    EE's are essentially 'mutts' (which doesnt, imho make them less desirable) but fors mean that barred x EE (depending which is the roo vs hen) can produce almost anything phenotypically (visually) speaking
  5. 6th_Happiness

    Brahma, Plymouth Rock, or Orpington

    a single hen can get very depressed. if you get two and loose one (disease (genetic or acquired)), you will find yourself in a madrush to find a new hen, quarantine her, and begin the process of introduction.... imho it is best to start with at least three hens. when ine dies, you have time...
  6. 6th_Happiness

    Brahma, Plymouth Rock, or Orpington

    a single hen can get very depressed. if you get two and loose one (disease (genetic or acquired)), you will find yourself in a madrush to find a new hen, quarantine her, and begin the process of introduction.... imho it is best to start with at least three hens. when ine dies, you have time...
  7. 6th_Happiness

    Brahma, Plymouth Rock, or Orpington

    a single hen can get very depressed. if you get two and loose one (disease (genetic or acquired)), you will find yourself in a madrush to find a new hen, quarantine her, and begin the process of introduction.... imho it is best to start with at least three hens. when ine dies, you have time...
  8. 6th_Happiness

    Brahma, Plymouth Rock, or Orpington

    a single hen can get very depressed. if you get two and loose one (disease (genetic or acquired)), you will find yourself in a madrush to find a new hen, quarantine her, and begin the process of introduction.... imho it is best to start with at least three hens. when ine dies, you have time...
  9. 6th_Happiness

    Brahma, Plymouth Rock, or Orpington

    a single hen can get very depressed. if you get two and loose one (disease (genetic or acquired)), you will find yourself in a madrush to find a new hen, quarantine her, and begin the process of introduction.... imho it is best to start with at least three hens. when ine dies, you have time...
  10. 6th_Happiness

    Brahma, Plymouth Rock, or Orpington

    a single hen can get very depressed. if you get two and loose one (disease (genetic or acquired)), you will find yourself in a madrush to find a new hen, quarantine her, and begin the process of introduction.... imho it is best to start with at least three hens. when ine dies, you have time...
  11. 6th_Happiness

    Brahma, Plymouth Rock, or Orpington

    a single hen can get very depressed. if you get two and loose one (disease (genetic or acquired)), you will find yourself in a madrush to find a new hen, quarantine her, and begin the process of introduction.... imho it is best to start with at least three hens. when ine dies, you have time...
  12. 6th_Happiness

    Brahma, Plymouth Rock, or Orpington

    a single hen can get very depressed. if you get two and loose one (disease (genetic or acquired)), you will find yourself in a madrush to find a new hen, quarantine her, and begin the process of introduction.... imho it is best to start with at least three hens. when ine dies, you have time...
  13. 6th_Happiness

    Welsummer crosses

    i'll have these crosses in the spring. pm me if u have questions, or if forget to post by late spring '18
  14. 6th_Happiness

    Unique colors and genes

    In our yard, this would probably be our 'most unusual' chicken, in terms of appearance / mutation.... his name is 'Kreacher' :-) Bigger image here:
  15. 6th_Happiness

    Unique colors and genes

    "unique or extra pretty colors and genes"unique or extra pretty colors and genes" In part, what is 'unique' or rare, i think depends on your location, your personal prefrences, or even what breed(s) you work with. Black skin/bones may be considered rare in general, or rare within certain...
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