Unique colors and genes


6 Years
Jun 23, 2015
So I tried searching for a thread about unique or extra pretty colors and genes in chickens, but I couldn't find one, sorry if I missed it.
I just am amazed by all the unique colors my flock alone has created! I can't wait to see other people's pictures as well. It can be any color you think is extra pretty, bright, bold, unique, or strange. Even some of the more common colors are quite gorgeous up close or in certain individuals.
If you know their breed cross or breed, or what the color is officially called, please post that with the picture. You can also post skin colors and patterns, beak and comb colors and patterns, ect.

Noel the rooster. I am pretty sure he is a Blue Silkie x Red Pyle OEGB (mixed with silkie and possibly Silver Sebright). He is a handsome dark blue at the front, shading to lighter with lemon shading throughout his feathers, including some that appear laced. His skin is dark and his comb and wattles are mulberry.

Sight is assumed to be a Speckled Sussex mix, but could have either a Red Star or a Rhode Island Red in her. It can be hard to know with multiple hens and roosters. She is red with black topping on certain feathers.

Storm Cloud. Not the best picture because of her molting and the too many roosters (I just rehomed a bunch so hopefully that helps her). She is what I am guessing is a Silkie mix x Easter Egger. She has a dark head, grey/blue back end with gorgeous golden patterns on her.

Enterprise. I'm pretty sure she is an Easter Egger mix, since she is similar in color to Eagle

Equinox could have so many breeds in him I'm just not sure what he is. I'm almost positive he has both Silkie (either white or blue) and Silver Sebright in his lineage. You can see his lacing, feathered feet and extra toes

Eve is gorgeous. She is a Silver Duckwing OEGB x Golden Sebright mix
There is a color genetics thread, but it deals mostly with figuring out the genetics to feather patterns.

So this is a fun idea for a thread.

Here is my favorite mixed hen. She had such pretty coloring...I'm pretty sure she was a Wyandotte (probably buff) and Welsummer mix. She laid pretty terra cotta eggs and was a good brooding hen to boot.



  • Marvel and Batsy 10 weeks.jpg
    Marvel and Batsy 10 weeks.jpg
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Wow, she is gorgeous! Love the deep, rich red-brown on her wings. And the chicks are adorable too!
I found this looking for ways to figure out egg genetics: https://scratchcradle.wordpress.com/genetics-mini-series/

I'd love to know more about terra cotta eggs, I've never seen that before.

this for skin: https://scratchcradle.wordpress.com...skin-color-punnett-squares-and-test-crossing/

My phone pics are terrible, but these are a couple of my babies; I ordered some Ayam Cemani eggs off ebay, and apparently one of the hens got out; one of the babies is half Marans and has legging feathers; I'm not sure about these 2. Top is Half & Half, bottom is his brood sister; whether from same parents I don't know. There were supposedly several parents in the mix.

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Gorgeous babies! I love when a color fades into another like that.

Some more of my chooks:

One of Eve's brothers. He too is a Silver Duckwing OEGB mixed with a Golden Sebright

Roshashannah was a silkie mix. I lost her to a coyote though. : (

Rory the rooster. His father (Bubs) was a Buff Brahma and I'm pretty sure his mother was a Splash Laced Red Wyandotte (Scarlet is her name)

X the hen. I'm not sure who the mother is, but the barred pattern seems to hint that the father was either Dominator (my Barred Rock) or a relative of his (before I get rid of his sons they sometimes "come of age").
"unique or extra pretty colors and genes"unique or extra pretty colors and genes"

In part, what is 'unique' or rare, i think depends on your location, your personal prefrences, or even what breed(s) you work with.

Black skin/bones may be considered rare in general, or rare within certain breeds, but a silkie breeder might consider it the most common thing in the world (well, in the world of their chicken breed of choice).

Breeds that are very common in North America, $2.50 each from any hatchery you wish, may be very rare in Australia due to their very strict import laws, preventing hobbiests from importing birds and even eggs, forcing them tohave to re-create breeds from scratch, assuming the genes exist... otherwise, they have to sit and wait for the mutation to re-occur in their country.

Someone might think that XYZ breed is rare, and indeed, there may be only 50 or so in the world, but another person might look at the same birds and say, 'so what, it looks just like breed ABC but with a rosecomb instead of a single comb. Anyone could create it.

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