Recent content by AmyAnnette

  1. AmyAnnette

    What are best hawk deterrents? Have a situation here!

    You could try placing wind kites(the ones you see people hang on boats etc.) around yard to spook hawks. Chickens would probably get use to those. I'm going to try this-this summer. I have the kites visible to chicks right now so, they don't freak out later. I have a covered run but when I let...
  2. AmyAnnette

    This pic is a hoot!!

    I wish my hair could look that good every morning!
  3. AmyAnnette

    VERY new at this. please give me some advice.

    Hey I'm from Utah too. Yes, you will need a light in coop through the winter. This will keep them laying eggs and will help with warmth a little. I have a shed and insulated the shed for winter cold and summer heat. Just because I want them to be warm as possible during winter. If there is...
  4. AmyAnnette

    Chicks picking at pine shavings...

    Chicks will peek at anything. If grit is in their food I won't worry about anything. Good Luck:D
  5. AmyAnnette

    sexing chicks (I know been done)

    Question: The wing as different levels of feathers. so, on a male, each level of feathers would all be the same size and the female would have a line feathers also, but in addition would have smaller feathers on top of that level. Is that what you mean?
  6. AmyAnnette

    Close call-One Lucky Chicken

    Does she having any bleeding from eye? Hopefully just a scratch, hopefully she will heal well. Good Luck with her recovery.
  7. AmyAnnette

    Can you mix hens with cats?

    We want to get full grown chickens or baby chicks. But my daughter is begging for a cat too. I thought an outdoor cat would be great to control mice problems. Do I get baby chicks and a kitten so they grow up together? Or do I get full grown hens and get a kitten. Any thoughts?
  8. AmyAnnette

    Hens After Lights Out YouTube

    Funny Girls! The chickens must have an amazing bond. I love the short movie. Great Job!
  9. AmyAnnette

    Quiet Hens

    I need to know what breed of hens are considered the quietiest. Our neighbor's master bedroom windows are where we were planning to put the chicken shed. Any suggestions?
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