sexing chicks (I know been done)


12 Years
Mar 12, 2007
Villa Grove
I at Rural King today looking at chicks and you have to 25 at a time right ? Well not today they were 50 each so I wanted three girls to make an even 10 a home. I said but I want only girls. They had no clue but a farmer did. She take the chicks wings at spread them out if all the feathers are the same size it is male. and if the closer feathers to the body are short female. Well I trusted her and thought when i get home I will check my other chicks which I can tell what there are and she was RIGHT (so far). If any of you have been told this or different PLEASE let me know .
Question: The wing as different levels of feathers.
so, on a male, each level of feathers would all be the same size and the female would have a line feathers also, but in addition would have smaller feathers on top of that level. Is that what you mean?
I at Rural King today looking at chicks and you have to 25 at a time right ? Well not today they were 50 each so I wanted three girls to make an even 10 a home. I said but I want only girls. They had no clue but a farmer did. She take the chicks wings at spread them out if all the feathers are the same size it is male. and if the closer feathers to the body are short female. Well I trusted her and thought when i get home I will check my other chicks which I can tell what there are and she was RIGHT (so far). If any of you have been told this or different PLEASE let me know .
My Grandmother taught me that many moons ago
Any help greatly appreciated
Here I have two chicks 5 weeks old and doing really well both came from lavender orps

This one ^^^ I’m thinking male due to comb and wattle
And this one female due to small ridge no wattle

Am I correct in thinking this or can females have a naturally large wattle anyway
Wing feather sexing must be bred for by crossing fast feathering and slow feathering parent lines, to create chicks with sex linked is NOT universal to all chicks..
The "reading" must be done within three days of hatch.
Wing feather sexing must be bred for by crossing fast feathering and slow feathering parent lines, to create chicks with sex linked is NOT universal to all chicks..
The "reading" must be done within three days of hatch.
Ok so the chicks that hatched yesterday I can check now or would I be better off leaving them under mama as she’s pretty protective

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