Recent content by amyburemt

  1. amyburemt

    Cockleburs in feed

    I bought a bag of pellets feed today for my chickens, it is horizon acres brand from a big name feed store and it is full of whole cockleburs mixed in with the pellets. Aren't these toxic to chickens? Thanks
  2. amyburemt

    How to splint adult goat knee

    I have an adult goat who had a hoof infection. We treated it for a long time and its finally clearing up. The problem is that while she had it, she kept her knee bent. I'm going to splint it so she will put weight on her foot again but I cant straighten it out . Any advice for splinting a goat...
  3. amyburemt

    Nigerian dwarf goat problem

    I have a female nigerian dwarf goat who is 11 months old. The past 2 days she hasnt been eating, her sides are large and it seems like she is straining to poop. I also noticed a slight amount of blood around her vulva. She has been in the same area as my 9 month old male. I dont see a bagged...
  4. amyburemt

    Cat and Dog buying scam

    sorry I should of elaborated more. She sends them via a van in shipping crates. My puppy was completely flea infested. You pay her extra for akc registration and she never sends the registration paperwork. i literally was in email contact with her for almost 2 years to try to get the paperwork...
  5. amyburemt

    Cat and Dog buying scam

    I was recently contacted by a lady in texas who had bought a norwegian mountain cat from a breeder. Turns out this breeder was the same breeder I had problems with when I bought a great pyrenees dog. She is a scam artist who won't refund money when you catch on to her scam. I am not in Texas so...
  6. amyburemt

    AdGA problems

    thank you so much! i spoke with the ADGA and it seems its a very common problem if you have twins born on 2 different days. its a good learning point. in short, the twins need to have the same birth date.
  7. amyburemt

    AdGA problems

    I have a dwarf goat I am trying to adga register and it keeps getting rejected for this reason..." The dam has another registered birth within a six month period from this birth". I am new to adga can someone please tell me in basic terms what exactly this means? Does that mean the birth count...
  8. amyburemt

    6 week old lamb sick

    I have a 6 week old female bottle fed lamb who was doing fine and now suddenly is straining to poop. She drank her bottle normally in the morning and then was put out into our barnyard for the first time yesterday. When I walked her back during the evening ishe refused to eat her bottle and...
  9. amyburemt

    Ayam Cemani Tongue?

    they look good to me. my little ones looked pretty much like this and now they are 2 years old and a good color black. occasionally if the light hits them right i can see a little red through the black on their combs but my understanding is that this is also normal. ultimately though they are...
  10. amyburemt

    Problems with cornish cross pullets

    I ordered some chicks from my local farm store and they sent me cornish cross chicks by mistake. I also have a wide variety of other breeds and ended up with cornish cross chicks, jersey giant chicks, and lavendar orpingtons with this delivery. I was supposed to have red rangers instead of...
  11. amyburemt

    Ayam Cemani Tongue?

    They will most likely darken with age. Mine started off like this. One even had a single white feather on his wing which went away with age. It has something to do with one of the 2 lines that are out there. I believe the one that has the single white feather was from the california line.
  12. amyburemt

    what to use if fermenting feed..

    I was hoping to gain some insight on fermenting chicken feed from anyone who has done it. Do you actually ferment the store bought feed or do you buy specific grains for it? and what is the point of fermenting can it acutally reduce the amount of feed you are giving? thank you
  13. amyburemt

    La Mancha goat attacked

    thank you i will post an update once the vet gets here this afternoon. it's just unfortunate because he is one of my breeders and i think i'm mostly shocked because he is huge and it's hard for me to envision something attacking him vs going after one of my smaller animals. Hopefully he will...
  14. amyburemt

    Coyote protection. fence? rooster? guard animal?

    you can get it in various heights. mine currently is 4 feet , i don't know what the tallest version of it that you can buy is though. good to know that coyotes can jump high though!
  15. amyburemt

    La Mancha goat attacked

    the other insteresting thing is that it got past electric hot wire on the fence which is about 2 feet from the bottom. we don't currently have any on the top yet.
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