Recent content by Animallover903

  1. Animallover903

    Is a duck egg that was just laid but is half soft viable?

    We have two ducks, one male, one female. I watched the female lay an egg and then abandon it outside. I grabbed a towel and nestled the egg in the towel but noticed that half of the egg is soft whereas the other half is hard like a normal egg. Does this mean that the egg is unable to be hatched...
  2. Animallover903

    Is a duck egg that was just laid but is half soft viable?

    We have two ducks, one male, one female. I watched the female lay an egg and then abandon it outside. I grabbed a towel and nestled the egg in the towel but noticed that half of the egg is soft whereas the other half is hard like a normal egg. Does this mean that the egg is unable to be hatched...
  3. Animallover903

    White shredded this ok?

    Ya the out side part of the coop is chicken wire....Do I need to change it...
  4. Animallover903

    White shredded this ok?

    I have a silkie bantam that is about 81/2 to 9 weeks old....Lately I noticed that his feathers have become shredded and white and I don't know if that is normal...she seems to be doing just fine otherwise...any advice would be appreciated!
  5. Animallover903

    Is this Normal?? (have pic)

    I have a silkie bantam that is about 81/2 to 9 weeks old....Lately I noticed that his feathers have become shredded and white and I don't know if that is normal...she seems to be doing just fine otherwise...any advice would be appreciated!
  6. Animallover903

    Don't know if its a rooster or a hen?

    I have a silkie bantam that is 7 weeks old and when I bought my chickens they said that they were all hens but here lately in the morning he has made these really loud gobbling sounds...its not exactly a crowing but its not just hen clucking either...It sounds as if he/she might just be...
  7. Animallover903

    Don't know whether chicks should be outside

    Oh no the pin is very secure and plus we don't live were there are a lot of predators but in the chance of one the pin is very secure...and well the night I wrote this it rained so I guess that answered my questions so thanks for all of the help
  8. Animallover903

    Don't know whether chicks should be outside

    I have chicks that are about 7 weeks old now and I have an outside pin/coop built for them and I have a little place inside that I keep them in. The place that is inside is rather small and the chickens seem really anxious when I bring them in at night. Should I let them stay outside all night...
  9. Animallover903

    No idea what breed this is...

    I have no idea what breed of chicken one of mine is....I got her at a local Jack's store and they didn't tell me the breed. She is about five weeks and she has grey shacks, feathered legs, speckled black and and white coloring, four toes, black earlobes, and I can't tell what type of comb she...
  10. Animallover903

    Chick wheezing don't know what to do

    Well they are fairly young (I’m guessing around 5 weeks) and it has been really stormy here for about a week so they have been kept inside the whole time in a little makeshift coop I am feeding them Nature Wise’s Chick Starter/Grower Medicated. The bedding is a mix between shredded newspaper...
  11. Animallover903

    Chick wheezing don't know what to do

    Hi I just got two baby chicks about a month ago and I don't know exactly how old they are but I have kept them together and one of them has started wheezing. And just tonight she has started just randomly opening her mouth wide but not making a sound like she is choking on something. Is this a...
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