Recent content by barkinghills

  1. barkinghills

    Ordering chicks for the first time. Breed Opinions/Rooster questions.

    I love Australorps! They are consistently good layers, pretty in the flock, and friendly. I have two RIR's that are friendly, but not all are. I had two Dominiques that were good layers, calm in the flock and friendly. Many people like Buff Orpingtons and they are definitely docile and...
  2. barkinghills

    Which rooster should I keep?

    Roosters have to be pretty and well-behaved to stay in my flock! My vote would be keep the pretty one and if he develops bad behavior later then he can go.
  3. barkinghills

    43-49 day old chicks can they go outside?

    Definitely! Everyone will be happier that way. They will be glad for more space. I doubt they need two heat lamps, and they shouldn't need one during the day at all.
  4. barkinghills

    What Is The Most Common Breed To Go Broody ?

    We've had lots of broody Cochin bantams and full-size Cochins. Ours have made great mothers. Our broody champ before she died was a little Old English Game bantam. She raised many clutches of her own eggs and other eggs from our hens.
  5. barkinghills

    fermenting substandard chicken mash/crumble?

    I've had the odd bag of sub-par feed here and there, and have also been rebuffed by my local feed store in trying to exchange it. The feed that was bad was Purina Flock Raiser Crumble (it was almost completely powder), and I did have luck contacting the Purina customer service website (aka Land...
  6. barkinghills

    Hen gone broody but don't won't chicks now

    If she is broody and you don't want chicks right now then just make sure to take away all the eggs each day. She won't be laying if she's broody, but she may try to gather other freshly-laid eggs. If you break her of this broody spell, she will likely go broody some time again in the future...
  7. barkinghills

    Do chickens really want perches in the run?

    My flock free-ranges all day, and they have two covered shelters with roosts that they seem to enjoy, especially during any type of rainy or cold weather. They eat/drink/range for awhile in the morning, then many of them nap on the roosts for awhile. I also put the old Christmas tree out there...
  8. barkinghills

    Blood splattered coop

    I had something similar to this happen a couple of years ago, although a few of the blood spatters looked pretty significant…inside a secure coop. The only thing I could figure was I found they had a mite infestation, and I thought maybe the mites were chewing them to pieces at night causing...
  9. barkinghills

    Chicken flight versus fence height... need to clip wings?

    Some of our fences are quite low also, maybe 4 ft at best. We also have heavy vines growing on the fences that some chickens use as escape ladders. Drat! I nned to trim them up, but the flock loves hanging out under them for shade and cover. I have several Ameracaunas who love going over the...
  10. barkinghills

    Do I have Amerecaunas or EEs? I would like to hear from lots of people!

    Agreeing with Rhodebar that the gold-laced wyandotte looks like a cockerel. Very red wattles and comb already. Your Easter Egger pullets are pretty.
  11. barkinghills

    brooder in coop or indoors?

    Now you're hooked, hehe! This is how it starts. Have fun with your babies.
  12. barkinghills

    So many questions.....

    Hi there, I think the set-up you describe is just fine. I also allow my young chicks to range in an enclosed small garden area when they are very young like that, even in cooler 50-60 degree weather, and they all develop into great foragers. As far as the little runt, I have had a couple of...
  13. barkinghills

    VERY LOUD Bantam Hens

    What type of bantams are they? I love bantams, and have found that some Old English Games (even hens) can be on the noisy side at times. My bantam Cochins and especially d'Uccles are very quiet.
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