Recent content by Bcook0315

  1. Bcook0315

    Question on egg laying

    I had a coworker today tell me that you are not suppose to eat the first couple of eggs that your chickens lay. Is that true? New to all this.
  2. Bcook0315

    Ladder training

    Thank you for this ! The only thing I am afraid of is the falling out of the coop since they are not use to the ladder! I thought about just "placing" them in the coop at night. Do you think this is good? Again worry about them just falling out.
  3. Bcook0315

    Ladder training

    Thanks not sure how to shut them in though since there is no door...using the garden coop so only ladder going up to coop. It is open since the coop and run are all enclosed.
  4. Bcook0315

    Learning to use ladder

    Thanks for this... I hope they learn it. I feel sorry for them at night. They all huddle together in a corner of the run.
  5. Bcook0315

    Learning to use ladder

    Help please-- how do you train pullers to use the coop ladder to go into the coop at night? I have the garden coop and my chicks are almost 6 weeks old. Just moved them to the coop this weekend. I live in Vegas so weather is good. But want them to learn to go up in coop to stay warm. This...
  6. Bcook0315

    Ladder training

    Help please-- how do you train pullers to use the coop ladder to go into the coop at night? I have the garden coop and my chicks are almost 6 weeks old. Just moved them to the coop this weekend. I live in Vegas so weather is good. But want them to learn to go up in coop to stay warm. This...
  7. Bcook0315

    Material for nesting boxes

    Hello everyone -- I am new to this just starting my first flock. Was wondering, can pine shavings be used for the nesting box? I live in Vegas and getting hay isn't easy for such a small flock. I really don't havea good place to store the bale. Thanks.
  8. Bcook0315

    Feeding at 8 weeks

    My chicks are now coming on 6 weeks and I am looking at what feed to move them to after the chick starter. They are all layers -- I want to go organic but wonder if there is an I between feed before moving to a layer feed? This is my first group of chicks. I have eight - 2 Delawares, 2...
  9. Bcook0315


    Ok I just got my peeps, are they really noisy when they lay?. I got 2-Delawares, 2-Welsummers, 2-Easter Eggers, and 2-red stars. Just curious. Color me a newbie in Sin City
  10. Bcook0315

    Names for Chicks Help

    These are great! Thanks ChickenFan! Keep them coming!
  11. Bcook0315

    Help with Names

    I love that jbirds! Give me some suggestions!!
  12. Bcook0315


    I love these posts, as a newbie it makes me wish I was up there with you all. But alas, I am stuck here in Sin City. Hope you all can accept one from below the " line."
  13. Bcook0315


    Thanks for the great information ChicKat! It is very helpful! I am in a desert climate -- Las Vegas. Haven't see grasshoppers in the yard but certainly other bugs. How does one administer the de-worming medication? Is it put in the water?
  14. Bcook0315

    Names for Chicks Help

    All good choices -- especially like Henrietta. Another suggestion I got was Chic Correa. I am particularly looking for names that play off the words chick, chicken, hen, etc. Thanks ChickenFan!!
  15. Bcook0315

    Help with Names

    Hello Everyone! Well they finally arrived today -- our eight baby chicks -- and they are adorable. We got 2 Red Stars (buff chicks), 2 Delawares (yellow chicks), 2 Easter Eggers (brown chicks) and 2 Welsummers (brown with stripes). Need your help though. I am looking for some name...
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