Recent content by Chicken Happy

  1. Chicken Happy

    Good Idea for Temporary Brooder

    I have two play pens that are fantastic for a sick chicken or a grow-out brooder. Do you happen to have one about? Friends with little kids? I just mentioned that I was looking for one @ the two free. Hubby made a top out of chicken wire to keep them contained. If you can find one...
  2. Chicken Happy

    Review by '' on item 'Ameraucana'

    My two girls took 9 months to start laying, but being able to deliver eggs, with the occasional blue/green one mixed in, has made my egg people happy - well and me too. They don't seem to be anywhere in the pecking order, they are just there. Not an affectionate breed, but one follows me...
  3. Chicken Happy

    hen raising chicks vs. brooder??

    Perfect timing for this thread! I let my silkie hen brood her eggs - had to see if my young rooster was doing his job. I candled twice. First time to see if her eggs and a few barnyard mix from the coop were good. Only hers were - thinking the eggs from the coop had froze. The other time was...
  4. Chicken Happy

    Why'd you guys start raising your own chickens?

    I have always wanted a farm, but growing-up in a basic town - it was not going to happen. My DNA screamed 'farm girl'. Was a FFA'r in high school (goats, rabbits, sheep and horse projects were @ school or at ranches of friends) and the farm bug stayed with me. I was 40 by the time I could...
  5. Chicken Happy

    Help me identify these two, please!

    Your wyandotte's comb will not get much bigger. It is a rose comb- great for cold hardy chickens (less chance of frost bite). Give 'em a week or two to adjust, they will lay.
  6. Chicken Happy

    During the winter do you keep food and water inside the coop? and how do you get them outside?

    I put the feeder out where it is inconvenient for them - they must get away from the coop to eat. I also scatter their treats so they must forage to find it. However, I only do this when it is not raining or snowing. If the day is going to be horrid - they get fed inside, but only once a day...
  7. Chicken Happy

    Two week-old chick with slipped tendon

    My poor little guy is still going. Still feisty and picking on the buddies I brought home for the critter...needed one - got 3 (chicken math). the new chicks are a week older and bigger, but do not mess with the "Claw", the little monsters name at the moment. I have stopped wrapping the leg. The...
  8. Chicken Happy

    Two week-old chick with slipped tendon

    Thank you. The last link was the one I have read and reread over the last couple weeks. I am going to give the little guy another shot, but
  9. Chicken Happy

    Two week-old chick with slipped tendon

    Have a 2 week-old with a slipped tendon. I have tried to correct this - popping tendon back in, splint, vet wrap, etc. I have tried, but it is harder to get back in place now and he seems in pain. ARGH! Is it getting too late for it to work?
  10. Chicken Happy


  11. Chicken Happy

    Yum or Yuck?

    YUM! Meatloaf?
  12. Chicken Happy


  13. Chicken Happy

    what breed is this guy?

    My wyandotte rooster is mellower than the hens. Had some cochin roosters that would fight among themselves and he did not care a bit...yet when one would try and fight with him - he squashed them into submission. It only took once. He protects his girls and has never been aggressive - only...
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