Recent content by ChickenMama321

  1. C

    Changing Coops

    I am having the same issue! Will try this tonight !
  2. C

    12 baby chicks- 2 breeds- how do I sex them?

    Thanks so much!! I love them! Yeah I thought at 3 weeks the boys would start looking different but I’m not seeing much of a difference in comb size or color. Like you said I guess time will tell!!
  3. C

    12 baby chicks- 2 breeds- how do I sex them?

    yes they are French copper marans. As I look at them yes I have about 4 with feathers on their feet so I’m leaning towards those are my pure BCM. Thanks so much!
  4. C

    12 baby chicks- 2 breeds- how do I sex them?

    Ok so long story short. I have Cream Legbars (1 rooster, 2 hens) and Black Copper Marans (1 rooster, 2 hens). They are about a year old. My Black Copper Maran went broody for the first time and it took my husband and myself about a week or so to realize what was going on (first broody hen)...
  5. C

    Culling Cockerels for Unwanted Behaviors?

    Yeah I removed my top rooster who had been going out of his way to attack me on Monday. Last night my "next in line" rooster went after me. I don't know what to do.
  6. C

    Black Copper Maran Hen and Cream Legbar Roo Mix

    What was the end result of the chicks? I’m currently in the same situation. I have two roosters CLB AND BCM and hens if those breeds. We ended up hatching 12 eggs and wanting to sex them.
  7. C

    Introducing new chickens to flock

    Hi there. I currently have 6 one year chickens and have gotten a pair of Japanese Bantams. My original chickens are Black Cooper Marans and Cream Legbars which are regular sized birds. How should I go about introducing the new adult birds ? They are already full grown however they are a smaller...
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